P. 368

April 1953

                    My dear friends,

                           Attached to your Monthly Letter sent out last month was a special

                    notice. This is done periodically to enable us to get a true list of all desiring
                    this Monthly Letter.
                           Please do not delay in returning the slip with your name and address

                    in block letters so that you will continue to receive your Monthly Letter.
                           If this slip is not returned within a reasonable period, your name will
                    automatically be scratched from the mailing list, so please do not delay.

                           If you do not receive your Monthly Letters please let us know, as there
                    are many thousands sent each month and a mistake can occur.
                           It is my desire that as many as possible will receive the letter because of

                    its great value in bringing about a better understanding among the peoples
                    of the world and assisting you personally in solving your health and other
                           I appreciate very much the many letters received last month. Here

                    are a few extracts:
                           “You will be glad to hear that Mary has completely recovered, the
                    paralysis has disappeared. God bless you.” M.C.T. Natal

                           “I am writing to thank you for your wonderful help, the condition
                    I spoke to you about when I visited you last week has been completely
                    solved. Thanks for your wonderful wisdom.”  A.T. Capetown.
                           “I cannot thank you enough for the healing of my baby. The doctor

                    told us that only a miracle could save it, when we wired you we were in
                    despair, but when your reply came we felt sure that he would recover.
                    Now the miracle has happened, our baby is completely healed. God bless

                    you for ever.”  A.C.M. Transvaal.

                                   SLAYING THE GOLIATH OF THE SELF*

                           “He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me
                             receives Him Who sent me.” Matthew l0: 40 (Moffatt)

                    *  See Notes page 372
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