P. 364

MARCH 1953

                           It is said that prosperity is a state of mind. It is also said that poverty
                    is a state of mind.
                           We hear it said also that prosperity is a dream come true and that

                    poverty is also a dream come true.
                           But all this is of the mind, it is not real, it is an illusion of the mind
                    itself, caught up in opposites. Prosperity and want, success and failure etc.,
                    are based on the values of the senses, for no one is satisfied with what they

                    have, they always want more. This is not freedom, it is desire and when
                    we are caught up in desire there can be no freedom.
                           There can only be freedom when desire has perished through under-

                    standing the self, with all its desires, hopes of becoming. Freedom alone exists
                    in “Being” and not in becoming, when the state of “Being” is reached we
                    have found the inner Treasure which is imperishable. You may call it what

                    you like but it is not a mental thing or a thought, it is a state of “Being” where
                    you enter into that boundless reservoir of supply, and things do not matter
                    anymore because all is yours—“what is Mine is Thine.”

                           As long as we are seeking the values of the senses whether it be touch,
                    taste, smell or possessions, having and not-having etc., the outer becomes
                    more important than the inner.
                           Now the mere denial of the outer is not the way to the inner. You may

                    deny the outer and withdraw from the world into a jungle or a cave and there
                    think of God or the inner or whatever name you like to call it, but your
                    thinking of God is still of the senses because your thought is bound up with the

                    senses,—what you would like to feel, what you would like to be, what you
                    would like to have,—thus you are caught up in your becoming, therefore there
                    can be no “Being” and only in “Being” is there freedom and completion.
                           When you are merely speculating, caught up in desire, which is not

                    “Being” you are caught up in confusion because you do not “know.”
                           Millions of people have tried to solve this puzzling problem of supply
                    and have advanced many ideas, but all lead to destruction and misery through

                    having and not-having, and wanting and not-wanting, the me and the not-
                    me, the mine and the not-mine.
                           Some have claimed that wealth is the result of hard work and planning

                    etc. Some have offered the solution that it is fate or destiny and others have
                    said it is pure luck. Others say that some are born to inherit wealth. Some
                    have said that Life is a gamble and thus all are gamblers. Some say the poor are

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