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                    of this tremendous invisible energy through an awakened Consciousness that
                    knows no separation or division between God and man. The feeling of this
                    awareness was the secret of the manifestation. The manifestation was effected

                    either by touch, by sound or by the fixed gaze.
                           This stream of this conscious energy is electro-magnetic in nature carried
                    in the ether into the atoms of matter, dissolving all that is not according to the
                    Divine design.

                           This Intelligent Force builds up the body from a single cell and is
                    inherent in every part of the body. Every cell and combination of cells is
                    supplied with this Intelligent Force. The body is mind materialized and every

                    cell is the result of mind in action.
                           We can now see how the mental state of the individual must be
                    reflected, upon the body. Therefore “mind over matter”  is not a mere saying to

                    us who know, it is a living Law in operation.
                           To understand what is beyond mind we must first cleanse the mind of
                    all that is preventing this understanding. For Reality is not of time and space

                    and you must know it directly by yourself and not through another. It is in
                    the present and the present is Eternal and Ever-present, and although timeless
                    It is ever-renewing Itself in Time that is now. “I am that I am.”
                           “And Jesus said to him, “Regain your sight, your faith has made

                    you well!”

                           O Divine One, Thou art I, I am Thou, knowing knower known as
                    one, one unbroken thrill of Eternal Living.
                           By Thy Eternal Presence beyond time I am forever renewed. Thy
                    Eternal Peace calms all storms that arise in me. This is my fully conscious

                    state beyond the limits of my mortal state, O Blessed Boundless Eternity.

                          MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU

                                                                              Yours very sincerely,
                                                                       Murdo MacDonald-Bayne

                    *  Digest version of Lecture #5 ‘God Knows Neither Sickness nor Death’ (11th November 1952) in
                         the book “The Secrets of the Science of Life.”

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