P. 359
We see clearly that there are many causes of confusion which affect
the mind and body. Confusion brings pain, suffering and weakness which
are the result of our ignorance of Spiritual, mental and natural laws. Our
creations to conditions and circumstances are, to a great extent, responsible
for much of our own confusion which is the underlying cause of sickness.
We may not realize it but we have unconsciously prepared these
conditions for which we suffer. Yet could we be aware of what we are doing
we would avoid much of what is undermining our own health and happiness,
as well as undermining the health of the world in which we live.
The first requirement is a way of life through true understanding of
the self. Self-knowledge must come first, when we gain this understanding
we will arrive at the truth that the only power we have lies in the inner self,
that is our Reality.
Now this is not a self that you can look at, the self you can look at is
the outer self, this self that is the result of your reactions, your fears, your
emotions etc. It is the ways of this self that you must begin to understand
through deep discernment. For we will never know the intricate operation
of Divine Healing because of its invisible nature, it comes into operation
immediately we remove the obstruction created by the self.
It is also a subjective operation and the outer is but a manifestation
of it.
The Bible tells us to look at the Eternal and to realise that the Eternal
is our God. Thus by knowing the Eternal to be the Living Essence of our
being, which is unlimited in nature, we transcend all conditions.
Because we are always looking out through the objective self we find
we are subject to all kinds of limitations, so these become suggestions which
are accepted and naturally become our beliefs which are reflected outwardly.
If all our experiences are derived from the source of our limitations
you can see how completely negative we can become in a world made up
by ourselves, for the world we know is none other than the projection of
our own thought and action.
Therefore it should not be difficult to trace the cause of our illness or
our lack of harmony. Without the fundamental understanding of the under-
lying cause of our troubles we will never understand ourselves.
Whatever we are conscious of predetermines the predominating tone of
our thought and action. By this law we externalize what we feel. When I speak
of this state of consciousness I do not mean a state of consciousness of the