P. 354


                           Since man’s advent upon the earth there have been men and women
                    who had the wisdom and power to heal. Some of those healings have been so
                    amazing that the mind of man could not comprehend them. Therefore sceptics

                    have arisen who have made every effort to deny these amazing transformations
                    on the ground of their apparent impossibility according to man’s understanding.
                           Divine healing has achieved wonders where all others methods have
                    failed. The mind cannot penetrate into the realm of that which is beyond it,

                    the mind can only reason on what it knows, but that which it does not know,
                    that which is beyond reason, cannot be defined. It is in this realm that Divine
                    healing takes place.

                           Now the question that comes into the individual mind is, how is this
                    Divine Healing accomplished? How can that which is unseen accomplish
                    such a complete and instantaneous change?

                           Phenomena of any kind are produced through a law that is intelligent,
                    otherwise you could have no phenomena at all. If I have a fear of anything
                    or if I have faith in anything there is an intelligent law that operates equally

                    alike in both what I think in fear and what I think in faith. That is the law of
                    thought or otherwise electro-magnetic vibration.
                           Truth is an exact science which has not yet been investigated by our
                    scientists and physicists.

                           The evidence of chaos around us is just this: that we have failed to
                    understand the underlying principles of Life. This tragic blunder prevents our
                    best brains from investigating the subtle Laws inherent in man, and this includes

                    Divine healing. Denying the existence of such laws does not eliminate the fact, that
                    there is something in man himself that heals and sometimes instantaneously.
                           At times it seems that an outside agency is required to set in motion this
                    Divine Power but this agency is not a necessity for the simple reason that this

                    Divine Power is inherent in man himself.
                           The greatest healer known to man, through records handed down
                    through the centuries, was Jesus of Nazareth and he never claimed that any

                    power of his own was the source of his healings. His words were clear, that it
                    was the Father who ever remained within him performed these deeds.
                           In speaking to his disciples he also said that some had the power of

                    speaking in various tongues, some had the power of prophesying, some had
                    the power of seeing and hearing, and some had the power of healing, but it
                    was the same Spirit that was behind all, showing that no matter what gift

                    man has, it is the one Spirit Itself that is performing these deeds.

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