P. 353

January 1953

                    My dear friends,

                           Another year has come and gone but Life is like an ever-flowing river,
                    as it passes it is ever-renewed, yesterday, today, Tomorrow—the same expressed
                    in the Now—the Timeless.

                           Then live in the Ever-present Life which is ever-renewing Itself,
                    then yesterday, today and tomorrow will be a joy unto you.
                           The year that is now past becomes just a memory, an experience. Do

                    not let that memory or experience prevent you from living in the Ever-present
                    Life which is Love, Wisdom and Healing. This is the secret of joyful Living.
                           I have space for only a few extracts from the many letters received this

                    month, and here are a few picked up at random, the Sanctuary will help you
                    also, “ask and you will receive.”
                           “I just want you to know that since you put Cyril on your Sanctuary

                    Prayer List, there has been a wonderful improvement. He has not had any
                    attacks of asthma since, and is now living a normal healthy and happy child’s
                    life, the first time for many years. Thank God and thank you for your wonder-
                    ful help.” E.M. Transvaal.

                           “Thanks indeed for your help for my friend and myself. The improve-
                    ment is miraculous. In the case of my friend Madge, the doctor is astounded.
                    God bless you in your work of healing for many years to come.” E.L.

                    New Zealand.
                           “How can I thank you for your wonderful help. We were all in despair
                    about the Life of our child. When we cabled you he was not expected to live.
                    By the time we received your cable in reply he had recovered from the dreadful

                    accident, and the burns had healed without even leaving a scar. Dr. McK. is a
                    relation of ours and is writing you personally to thank you for your wonderful
                    and prompt help. God bless you and keep you safe for many years to come.”

                    T.L. Australia.

                            A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO DIVINE HEALING*

                           “Now is the son of man glorified and God is glorified in
                             him.” John 13: 31

                    *  See Notes page 356
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