P. 355


                           Once we take upon ourselves the cloak of service and say to ourselves
                    and others, I am a seer or a healer or I am a prophet, we immediately limit
                    ourselves to the personal. We separate ourselves from the Divine Source of all

                    things, that is why so many people fail in this work. The self hides the Divine
                    so the great task is to get the self out of the way.
                           Every human being is endowed with the power of the Spirit, for it is
                    the Spirit that gives birth to the individual, the Spirit is birthless and deathless

                    and it is this Spirit which is the Life in man. It is the source of ultimate
                    knowledge, wisdom and Love.
                           Jesus testified that it was from this Divine Realm, this Omniscient and

                    Omnipotent state, that “He” not the separate “self” but “He,” one with the
                    Father was performing these deeds. Now, Jesus seemed to be the outside
                    agency to those who looked upon him as separate from God, yet he said that

                    he was nothing by himself and this was his great power. He knew that he
                    was not separate from this Life which was within others but one and the same,
                    therefore he worked through the Cosmic not through the individual.

                           It is difficult for the mind caught up in conformity and separation to
                    realize the Truth, but those who have contacted this Divine realm have definite
                    proof of Its reality and can testify that it is true.
                           Now I am speaking in relative terms of this great wonderful Omni-

                    present Source of “Being,” and it would seem that I am speaking of something
                    apart and separate from myself but it is not so. I am speaking to you in relative
                    terms only for the purpose of enabling you to find this Divine Source within

                           Immediately we begin to speak about this Divine Source we make
                    It relative, something apart and distinct from ourselves, nevertheless when the
                    mind has quietened down there is an awareness that is not of the mind but

                    of that which is beyond the mind, the source of everything in heaven and
                    on earth.
                           I wish I could make it plainer to you. It is not an idea or an image of

                    something that you have made up in your mind, for it cannot be made up
                    in the mind. If it were so then it could be explained, but that which is cannot be
                    explained, yet It is that which Is living, that which is creating, creating in you

                    and through you. Hence the Master’s words, “know ye not I am in the Father
                    and the Father is in me,” united in consciousness and creativeness, “what I see
                    the Father do I do likewise.”

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