P. 360


                    positive self, which is the outcome of ignorance with its cravings, for as long
                    as craving exists there will be self-contradiction and frustration.
                           Do we not mostly approach Life in this so-called positive state, born

                    of ignorance which gives rise to the many miseries, brutalities and conflicts
                    of which we know so well. We must approach Life with an understanding
                    of the fundamental virtue of life Itself. Not a virtue that is cultivated out of
                    the recognition of evil, for this is not virtue but ignorance.

                           True virtue is not the result of positive or negative action but is a state
                    of non-duality where the mind-heart is still, then only is there virtue.
                           Is it not so that if you are evil and I fight you with evil it means I also

                    become evil, however righteous I may feel?
                           If I am brutal and you use brutal means to overcome me then you
                    become brutal with me. This we have done for thousands of years, yet we

                    call ourselves virtuous.
                           Even within oneself, if we use violent means to overcome hate or
                    anger or violence we are using wrong means for a right end thereby the

                    right end ceases to be. If there is no understanding there is no transcending
                    anger, hate, violence etc. These things must be studied to be understood.
                    These things arise from many causes, yet without comprehending them,
                    there is no escape from them.

                           We are responsible for creating our own conditions so it is more important
                    to be concerned with our own thought and action than with the quelling of our
                    hates etc., for right thinking puts an end to division, then Love transcends

                    friend and enemy alike.
                           Divine healing goes beyond time, space or conditions where these barriers
                    do not exist. The one who understands Divine healing can automatically use
                    this power and influence through space without leaving the place where he

                           To grasp this fully one must develop a highly delicate technique of
                    awareness, by cultivating a true understanding of the fundamentals of Life.

                    Thereby a touch of the healing hand is enough to set in motion a powerful
                    electro-magnetic current to restore the mind and body to its natural state
                    through contact with the Divine Source behind all Creation.

                           I would again remind you that you may repeat a thousand times that
                    you are made in the image and likeness of God, yet this will not help you
                    because the Law is, that your thought will be in accordance with the attitude

                    you hold towards Life itself.

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