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                           This must not be just an intellectual acceptance of the Truth but a
                    state of mind where division, duality and opposites do not exist. In other words,
                    when the mind-heart is still then only is there Reality.

                           Immediately we accept this grand Truth of our “Being” our sins are
                    forgiven and we are free. Here we see that this not only applies to our inner
                    Life but to our outer life in the body as well, and it is this that the Master
                    saw when he said, “thy sins are forgiven thee, arise and walk.”

                           The common error is the belief that you must think health, but as fast
                    as you think of health you think of disease. How can there ever be an escape
                    from this conflict of opposites? There can be no escape except through

                    understanding the cause and not ignorantly being caught up in opposites.
                           Man is God materialized! This is a tremendous statement but never-
                    theless the truth, and when this is fully realized we are filled with the Truth

                    of our “Being” not “becoming” but “Being” now.
                           The Son of God is the invisible man that remains Eternally within
                    the Father. The perfect manifestation is the Holy Ghost or the Divine Creation

                    of Man therefore man is the expression of the Conscious Spirit of God which
                    is Intelligence etherealized and materialized in all planes, thus giving man-
                    woman individuality in the “One Whole.” The Father has Life in Himself
                    and He grants the son to have the same Life in himself.

                           It is through this realization that the locked-up faculties and power
                    existing in every human being will manifest. The involved God-powers
                    now existing in everyone of us will spring forth into being, for in the heart

                    of every living soul there is the Cosmic Spirit.
                           It will take many generations for the awareness of this consciousness
                    to awaken in the masses. To them the conception of the abstract which is the
                    only Reality remains an impossibility. They cannot rise above the concrete, with the

                    result that they continually react to the concrete and their consciousness
                    can only give to them what they are aware of.
                           Unless we discern and understand the process of our thinking we will

                    never arrive at the source of our thinking. For there we will find more powers
                    than the entire voltage generated by the Niagara Falls and by our consciousness
                    can magnetise any object and infuse into it subtle vibrations of any desired

                    properties and influences.
                           The history of the prophets and seers of all time reveal a magic that was
                    awe-inspiring to the masses, yet this so-called magic was but the releasing

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