P. 350


                           To have peace, inwardly and outwardly, we must be peaceful. To live
                    peacefully means not to have hatreds, antagonisms, cravings. Peace is not
                    an ideal, it is a way of Life, living in Love and Wisdom which is Eternal and

                    Ever-present and within ourselves, by knowing that we are all working in
                    His Vineyard and in harmony with one another.
                           An ideal is merely an escape, an avoidance of what Is, a contradiction of
                    what Is, an idea prevents the direct action of what we must do is to Love and

                    not merely have ideals but to see things as they are and act upon them by
                    discerning the cause of all misery thereby transforming ourselves. But what are
                    we doing? We are seeking a psychological security which does not exist, we

                    seek it through power, position, titles, rank, all of which destroy our physical
                    security. This is plain enough to see if you look at it through clear thinking,

                           Economic revolution without inward revolution is useless and meaningless.
                    Hunger and misery are the result of our internal action, of our mental state,
                    our greed, envy, ill-will and possessiveness.

                           To put an end to these things which cause misery both internally and
                    externally we must transform ourselves, not merely discuss peace plans, create
                    new leagues of nations and legislation, inaugurate new health schemes and
                    so on and so on. We will never win peace and eliminate confusion until we

                    cease to live our stupid lives as we are doing today. As sickness increases
                    in the individual so will it increase in the world, for the world is made up
                    of individuals.

                           Others cannot bring peace, leaders cannot bring peace, what will bring
                    peace is inward transformation and not isolation. Inward transformation is
                    not isolation, is not withdrawal from outward action. On the contrary it is right
                    action and right thinking and there can be no right thinking without self-

                    knowledge. Without knowing yourself there can be no peace, inwardly or
                           So when we end war and confusion within we will end war outwardly.

                    This can only be done by putting an end to this confusion and war within. This
                    will end only when you realize your own responsibilities, when you realize
                    the danger you are to yourself.

                           This requires immediate action, for peace comes only within and
                    without when we are peaceful, when we are at peace with ourselves and
                    with others, by “loving your neighbour as yourself.”

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