P. 347

                                     YOU ARE SICK WITH CONFUSION*

                           “. . . . You seek me, not because you saw the miracles, but because
                            you ate bread and were filled. Do not work for the food which perishes,
                            but for the food which endures unto life everlasting, which the Son of man
                            will give you; for this one God the Father has sealed.” John 6: 26-27.

                           What I want to say in this letter is of a very popular and personal nature.
                    It is one of healing, not in the sense that we generally look upon healing of

                    our own minds and bodies, but of the nature of healing of the world which
                    is ourselves.
                           When we can see that the cause of the confusion of the world is our-

                    selves we must heal ourselves first. When we do not see the cause of confusion
                    is ourselves then this confusion will continue to express itself upon our minds
                    and bodies and likewise in the world.

                           Sickness is but the outward expression of our inner confusion. When
                    we begin to see that the individual human mind is an expression of the
                    Universal Divine Mind and that the individual human mind is the specialized
                    reproduction of the Universal Divine Mind, we see that the individual mind

                    can give expression to the Universal, for this is exactly what takes place when
                    the individual understands that he and she are in the Whole and the Whole
                    is in him and her, and Its expression is Divine Wisdom, Love and Power,

                    and this combined action produces what we call “creation” in which there
                    is no confusion.
                           The Bible attributes the creation of the world to the Divine word and it
                    therefore rightly says, “in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with

                    God and the Word was God and without the word was not anything made
                    that was made.” This brings us to the crowning result in the manifestation of
                    the “word of man.” Man, first ignorant of his Divine nature, but nevertheless

                    containing all the potentialities of the nature of God, “the Father having Life in
                    Himself granted the Son to have the same Life in himself.”
                           When man then looked outside himself for guidance he accepted this

                    guidance and became confused by the many ideas which confronted him. But
                    when he finds that this confusion is of the mind of man, he realizes that this
                    confusion which existed within himself was transferred outwards into the

                    world, the world became sick as well as himself.

                    *  See Notes 350                       346
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