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said, as the people who listen to the word and take it in “bearing fruit at the
rate of thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.” (Mark 4) “Be not overcome with
evil but overcome evil with good.” This means directing our creative ability
into constructive channels producing that which is acceptable to “Him,” and
that which is acceptable to Him must be of benefit to all for He is the All.
If we look to the mechanism of our bodies we will see that the brain,
through the nervous system, is connected with every part of the body and
controls all voluntary and involuntary activities. This mechanism responds
to our thoughts and emotions, therefore there is a consciousness that traverses
the whole system, out-picturing what we think and feel.
We are told that we are the microcosm of the great Macrocosm,
therefore what we think and feel must affect everyone some way or another. If
we can discern what we are doing we will not create conditions that adversely
affect ourselves and others. The Intelligence that built the body, brain and
nervous system; built it for its own self-expression. If we would remember
this when we feel and think, it will be a guide to our thoughts, words and
All visible forms are the result of the great invisible Creative Energy
revealing the Creative Principle in action, with a little understanding we can
co-operate with the great Divine Creative Principle which created us in Its
own likeness.
The use of “our,” this creative ability, has only been dimly understood.
The greatest possibilities, more wonderful than man has dared to imagine,
can be enjoyed through the conscious use of “our,” this creative ability, with
Then let us be mindful of the fact that the seeds we sow in fertile soil
will be produced by the Creative Principle in the exact form of the seed itself,
sometimes thirty, sometimes sixty, and sometimes hundredfold. “Even greater
things than these shall ye do.”
The walls of Jericho (Ignorance) are being broken down by the truth of
the Creative Power within; and with the rhythm of all in united understanding,
the walls of ignorance will crumble. “Let every soul be subject unto the higher
powers, for there is no power but God.” “Let the mind be in you which was
also in Christ Jesus who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery
to be equal with God.” Phil. 2: 5-6.
The meaning of these words shows us that, if the individual consciousness
through discovering all that which is relative (good and evil) will unite with the