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brings renewal, for there can be no understanding except in the present. But if
the present is burdened with the memory, regrets and hatreds of yesterday,
there can be no renewal in the present.
Our past successes or failures are the experiences we have. This must
not hinder the use of our creative ability now, or the way in which we use it.
Just as the growth of corn reveals itself while man sleeps, so are our thoughts
revealed, and there is nothing strange about this. The great thing in man’s life is
to understand himself. Only when this is accomplished can pure thinking
and pure action come into being. The seeds we sow in Divine Mind grow
apace and produce hundredfold for our benefit.
The only authority you should recognize and the only command you
allow is that of the Creative Principle of the Present within, which nothing
can change. Beliefs will change, people will change, but the Presence never. In
this way you increase your joy through your Creative ability in the Presence
that is Ever-present. It is like the rock in the ocean, the waves beat upon it
but it remains unmoved.
Most people are afraid of the evil they are always looking for and
are blinded to great Divine Light of the Presence. Some become wrapped
up in the evil which they make a Reality, thus so many become childishly
ignorant, which leads to pettiness and narrowness. This does not give true
experience, but rather a retreat from Life Itself.
You must enter the arena of Life with confidence, understanding that
the Creative Principle is within. You are the navigator that sails on the sea
of Life and are not affected by the waves or the surface unrest. With this
understanding you are no longer caught up in external values, but are able
to navigate the ocean of Life with true creative ability, dissolving all that
hinders your true expression.
Your experiences must only be channels that lead to the vast ocean
of Life in which you become one. Then open your sails and let the Breath
of God direct you. “Not my will but Thine be done.”
The person who does not know himself and tries to convince others
of the Truth is a hypocrite, but the person who has the Truth in however small
a degree, like the smallest of all seeds, will grow to become a great tree
and all will shelter under Its branches.
This is the state of mind that is ready for creative ideas. It understands
that the things that are seen are but the product of that which is unseen. Jesus