P. 340

November 1952

                    My dear friends,

                           Thanks for the many letters received this month. We are all beginning
                    to realize that there is no separation. Life alone lives and the conception of
                    ourselves as being separate from the Life of God is the root of all our troubles.

                           Do we not look upon our neighbour as separate from ourselves? We
                    must seek deeper than the external and we will find that there is only one root
                    to the Tree of Life which makes each one of us a living person. If we would

                    bear this in mind when we tune into the Sanctuary our troubles would soon
                           Here are a few extracts from the many letters received this month:

                           “The impossible has become possible that my son was given up by
                    all the specialists as incurable, yet when we tuned in to the Sanctuary hour
                    for healing the miracle happened—the dead came to Life. My son is well

                    again. How can I ever thank you enough for the wonderful truth you have
                    shown to us. God bless you and your wonderful work.” M.K. England.
                           “I am very confident and full of faith regarding the outcome of the
                    examination of my niece. Ever since her name was placed in the Sanctuary

                    she has been improving. We cannot thank you enough for the wonderful
                    work of the Sanctuary which not only has brought relief to my niece but to
                    countless others. Thanks for the opportunity of being able to participate in

                    the great work through tuning in. In deep appreciation.”  O.B. Denmark.
                           “Within a few days of my asking (for) help my condition eased and
                    now I am on the road to perfect health. Thanks for sending me the monthly
                    letters, I pass them on to a number of people who receive a great deal of com-

                    fort from them. May God richly bless the work of the Sanctuary, the world
                    is in great need of it. Thanking you once again.” D.B., Sydney, Australia.

                                  I HAVE NO OTHER AUTHORITY EXCEPT
                                              HIM WHO MADE ME*

                           “Since this people draw near me with their mouth,” says the
                             Eternal, “honouring me with their lips, while their hearts are
                             far remote; since their religion is a mockery, a mere tradition

                             learned by rote; . . .” Isaiah 29:13.

                    *  See Notes page 344                  339
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