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                    will he free himself from himself. Man can never be really useful to his brother
                    until he has gained this freedom.
                           Do not think that by giving up the little things in Life that you will

                    succeed, little things do not matter so very much. We must see the great Vision.
                    So many people are blinded by the small petty things that people do. If you
                    understand yourself you will understand why they act in that way. Only little
                    people are taken up with little things, so do not waste your time and life in

                    trying to combat them, when the big Vision comes those  things fall away
                    and disappear into nothingness where they belong.
                           We must not separate heaven from earth but bring the Kingdom of

                    Heaven on to earth. So cast out your false beliefs, your beliefs in sickness,
                    beliefs that cause fear, belief in the power of sin, belief in false prophets who
                    preach sin, the devil and hell. Instead lift your eyes to the sky and as the sun rises

                    you will see all the stars disappear, they give way and go into the background.
                    So with us when we realize the Truth of our being. All these things dissolve
                    away with the personal self, with all its prejudices and possessiveness. Then we

                    shall be like Him who made us in His own likeness.


                           O Mighty One, Thou art not separate but one with me Eternally. In
                    Thee there is no evil for the devil cannot exist in Thy Omnipresence.
                           It was the king of illusion who sat on the throne of ignorance was the

                    cause of ill-health, unhappiness and my soul-blindness.
                           It was in my deepest moment of despair that I heard Thy Voice calling
                    “be not afraid, for I am with thee always.” Then the Light that shone from
                    the beginning of time blotted out all the darkness in my mind.

                           Now I see with clear sight all that hinders Thy expression. I thank Thee,
                    O Mighty One, that Thy light becomes mine for ever more.

                          MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU

                                                                              Yours very sincerely,

                                                                       Murdo MacDonald-Bayne

                    *  Digest version of Lecture #3 (19th February 1952) in the book “The Word of Creation.”

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