P. 337


                           This is faith through knowing, not a faith in someone or something
                    apart from yourself for when this is so, faith and fear exist side by side and
                    this is the faith that most people have. When this faith dies, fear takes its place

                    or vice versa, this is the see-saw of human existence, devoid of understanding.
                           Without knowing-understanding we react to things external to ourselves
                    so our creative power is turned in the wrong direction, so the things you do
                    not want but which you fear, you get. Through lack of knowing and under-

                    standing we unconsciously use our creative power, this is probably the biggest
                    factor for much of our unhappiness and ill-health.
                           The reason for this ignorant reaction is because most people believe and act

                    in separation. Man divorces himself from his Divine inheritance because of his
                    belief in separation. In this way he has become impotent while the outer rules him.
                           Life is a Spiritual force and our birth is a Spiritual fact, invisible to the

                    mortal eyes for Christ is manifesting in the flesh.
                           If one is caught up in the stream of unconscious reactions in fear and
                    anxiety this leads you away from the Christ within that is all powerful.

                           “Let it be quite plain that God has always been manifest in the world.”
                    “And the Christ is the Love of God manifest in the flesh.” When we have
                    no longer the belief in separation we will know that God is all in all, then
                    our false beliefs and ideas will disappear and the Consciousness of the Christ

                    within will manifest, making all things anew.
                           It is the state of consciousness that brings about the outward manifestation
                    in all planes, both in the inner and the outer. When we know this we can avoid

                    much unnecessary suffering.
                           Those who acquaint themselves with this understanding can specify
                    with authority knowing that they are exercising powers bestowed upon them
                    by the Almighty.

                           Recognition of the Almighty is not the recognition of something that is
                    outside ourselves for the Almighty is not a relative thing. Even to talk about
                    the Almighty puts Him in a relative position and this is wrong. But with

                    understanding we can speak the word of power from within knowing that the
                    word will not return void but will accomplish that which it is sent forth to do. If
                    we are dependent upon an outside source we are not using that Almighty

                    Creative Power from within.
                           Around you are many people in sickness, misery and want who are
                    followers of the personal Jesus, but they have not made the great discovery

                    of the indwelling Christ.

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