P. 332
When we understand our desires, our cravings, our beliefs, our
superstitions or fancies, our thought-feelings and reactions we will begin to
understand ourselves and that which is behind both Spiritual and material.
We will see that these things do not affect the Reality in us, except we are
caught up in these things.
If you are uninfluenced by these things then you will discover the
Immeasurable. For it will come into being by Itself when the mind frees
itself from the past, from conditioning influences which create false values. To
discern, to observe, you must be detached, uninfluenced, must cease to be
a slave to public opinion, tradition, propaganda, however subtle it may be.
The influence of environment shapes also thought-feeling and this too must be
understood. Only through freedom from all that hinders the Real can the
Real be expressed.
When you are discerning your thought-feelings continuously you will
realize how easily you have been persuaded to accept, to believe, to act. Is
it not so that the daily newspapers, radio, cinemas, books, periodicals shape our
thought-feeling? Can you say that you are capable of freeing yourself from
their limiting influence?
What about the differing cults and religious thought-feelings? One
person will accept this while another will accept that and by doing so create
antagonisms and conflict. Can you discern clearly how this imitative acceptance
is influencing and fashioning thought-feeling? In this imitative confusion there
is little hope of finding the Real.
It is said that a belief in God will change the world. But we have had a
belief in God for centuries, yet we have created a terrible world of strife and
misery for three-quarters of its population. Has our belief in God altered our
intentions in the racial field of action? Have we not taken from the heathen
races a belief to give them another belief? Yet because we do not practice
what we preach the poor unfortunates who look to us for wisdom and love
are sadly disillusioned.
Both the savage and the highly civilized believe in a God. But this
belief has not done away with killing, oppression and exploitation. On the
contrary it has added more subtle methods of destruction and persecution
in the name of peace, in the name of God.
If we can put away these contending beliefs and ideologies we will be
better able to bring about a deep change in our daily living, thereby bringing about