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sanctimonious attitude of mind or a mind caught up in ethics nor in virtues or
opposites, for if we are caught up in these we shall never understand ourselves
or Reality.
So many people become virtuous to obtain a place in heaven, so then
virtue is founded on craving which becomes a vice, the “more Spiritual than
thou” attitude. The Master said, “the last shall be first and the first shall be last,”
showing that there is no separation. The first and the last are the same, it is
the one Life manifesting through all.
When we create distinction we have separation and separation leads
to antagonism. Jesus is said to have associated himself with robbers and
sinners. He understood them and their difficulties because he understood
himself. They were more ready to receive the Truth than those in high places
saturated with envy, mistrust, separation and superstition.
Scan your mental field and see how much of your thinking is influenced
by your existing conditions. If you love the created more than the Creator
then no matter what you possess, your mind will be negative. But if you love
the Creator more than the created, no matter what condition you are in,
your positive attitude will lift you out of the darkness into the Light.
If you live in the material in opposition to spiritual or you live in the
Spiritual in opposition to the material, there will be no understanding and
your thought-feeling and actions will be in conflict. But if you intelligently
comprehend the material you will come to the Spiritual, and thereby the division
between the outer and the inner ceases. There is no conflict between the inner
and the outer. All this conflict arises in man’s own mind through his lack of
understanding, so his thought-feelings become disturbing.
If you condemn one and praise the other you no longer understand.
But if you realize and discern that you are the centre of all objective and
subjective existence and comprehend your reactions, your feelings, your beliefs
your cravings, your fears, then you will begin to understand your self. Only
when this is accomplished will there be perfect balance, creative understanding
and inward peace.
If you deny the material world or if you try to escape from it, if you
distort it, shaping it to your own fancies then your spiritual world will be
an illusion also thus hindering the true expression of Reality. To be (Being)
is to be related to both, and understanding this relationship. but if you distort
this relationship by becoming more and more self-centred, more isolated,
then mental conflict will result.