P. 335

October 1952

                    My dear friends,

                           It is wonderful to hear of the many healings that take place all over the
                    world through the Sanctuary and here are a few extracts from the many letters
                    received this month.

                           “I am writing to thank you for what you have done for me. I am
                    thankful to say that I have now no blood-pressure since writing you. A
                    condition which I had for many years….neuritis in the breast, I tried many
                    doctors and other methods without any result. Now since your help through

                    the Sanctuary the whole trouble has cleared up. I am now well and my eyesight has
                    also improved. Your lectures have given me a wonderful Spiritual uplift

                    and I feel that I am no longer separated from the Father. I can see now how
                    God works in and through us. Words cannot express my appreciation for all your
                    help and healing. And now I will be able to pass on to others your wonderful
                    truths. God bless you and your blessed work.” Dr. J.C., New Zealand.

                           “Thank you for writing your wonderful Monthly letters, they are truly
                    wonderful and all your books which I have are helping so many other seekers.
                    Life is wonderful now. My health has been restored 100% and I have a solid

                    foundation in Truth now, thanks to your precious books and Monthly Letters.”
                    H.B. New Zealand
                           “I never thought it possible that I would walk again. I was told that my
                    spine was so badly injured that it would be six months before I could get

                    out of bed. It is just 3 weeks since my name was sent in to you for healing and
                    now I am up and about again. I cannot thank you enough for what you have
                    done for me.” A.L. South Africa.

                           Hundreds of similar letters come in every month and they are very
                    much appreciated. Although they cannot all be printed, you will realize they are
                    very important because they enable us to understand and know what the efforts
                    of the Sanctuary are doing throughout the world. Please continue to send your

                    letters in, although they are not all published there are many others who are
                    benefited and inspired by these letters.

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