P. 341
Are we not trying to rearrange the world, to rearrange its values while
maintaining our own separation in nationalism, religious dogma, superstition,
hatred and acquisitiveness? Is it not necessary that we eliminate first these
causes within ourselves that produce conflict and misery?
If we seek Truth we must first abandon those values that are based
upon ill-will, possessiveness, greed, superstition. We must first of all decline
to be guided by politicians, priests and economists with their endless plans
for so-called peace which leads us into destruction.
The fact remains that we have made them our leaders through igno-
rance of true values. Now we have to become deeply aware of the cause
within ourselves, and the responsibility remains with us to remove the cause.
This alone is the solution to all conflict. First of all we must understand the
cause, then the Reality that is behind all can be realized. This alone can bring
peace and happiness.
In Reality alone is there enduring happiness. In Reality alone is there
Creative Being. Without this inward treasure the outward can have little
value to mankind. The organization of law and economic planning will ever
defeat its own purpose. But when the awareness of the Real is established,
the outer and the inner will cease to be separated, for we will understand that
the outer is but the expression of the Inner. Our religion will no longer be
lip-service but the true expression of Reality, the one and only Creative Being.
There are many who say they practise brotherly love, yet condone
organized murder. We have to understand our contradictions to understand
ourselves. Without self-knowledge, brotherly love is impossible. We must
think out every thought-feeling, then we will understand what is in the mind.
You cannot practise brotherly love if you are caught up in envy, jealousy, hate,
antagonism, differing creeds, mass murder and conflict. Brotherly love only
comes when all these things are cleared away through understanding oneself.
Try to understand every thought-feeling, pursue it and it will yield
its meaning. Only in this way can the mind be freed from conflict. Then we
will create, in co-operation with the Divine Principle, a true democracy.
When the individual becomes aware that this co-operation is possible, then
the mind-heart becomes passively still to receive the creative Reality that is
Ever-present. This is renewal.
Renewal does not come from birth or death, the past or the future. There
is no renewal in the world of opposites, only freedom from past and future