P. 348


                           Through the discovery of his true relationship to the Divine Mind
                    he arises and “returns to the Father,” thereby being a child of the Almighty
                    he can speak “the word of power” through the Divine potentialities inherent

                    within himself.
                           He may have been the prodigal son who is ignorant of this Truth or
                    he may be the respectable brother who thought that only limited supplies were
                    doled out to him. But as soon as the truth dawned upon him he realized the

                    meaning of the words, “Son, thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine.”
                           Here we become fellow-workers with the Father of all, invited to work
                    in harmony with one another in His vineyard, to carry on the work of the

                    Universal “the Whole” vested in man himself. The key is found in the
                    Master’s words, “the Father worketh hitherto, and I work.”
                           All that I can do in this letter is to point this out to you, but you must

                    make your own personal application of it. For the law remains forever the
                    same that through action in Divine Truth is produced the corresponding
                    unfoldment of Truth. The Supreme Truth is reached in that final recognition of

                    the Divine Name. “God is Love” therefore our action must be Love to express
                    the Divine Mind in man.
                           Now comes the question, how can we solve the present chaos in our
                    minds and bodies and in the world? We may solve the problem of our bodies

                    from an external point of view temporarily, but to heal permanently we must
                    solve the problem of our minds and our reaction in our relationship with others.
                    If war is waging within ourselves it will eventually externalize itself in our

                    minds, bodies and in the world, for we are the world.
                           War in the world is the spectacular and bloody projection of our
                    everyday life. War is merely an outward expression of our inward state, an
                    enlargement of our daily action. It is perhaps more bloody, more destructive,

                    but it is the collective result of our individual thought and action. Obviously
                    we have not discovered the cause because we have not discerned the cause
                    within ourselves.

                           We are therefore responsible for war, internally and externally. If we
                    can see what creates wars and if we are interested in stopping wars then we can
                    begin to transform ourselves, who are the cause of the war, internally and

                           What is it that causes this war? Craving for things, belief in either
                    nationalism, in ideologies or in particular dogmas which create in ourselves

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