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any book, nor is the mere casual wish to find out about oneself of much value,
there must be deep discernment of our thoughts, motives and actions.
When the fever of hate abates we will feel the strength of that which
of Itself is Love, the only influence that will bring in a new world era.
Even if it only be a little pebble out of the brook of Love at first, it
will slay the Goliath of world selfishness and hate. Things that appeal to the
five senses-mind are not Realities, they are misleading and illusory, they
are temporary and temporal and are only of value to the individual while
they are the object of material and emotional desire which leads to conflict
and antagonism.
The mind of man is confused with crystallised concepts, conflicts,
ideas, dogmas and creeds, and nationalities that only add further distorted
reactions to our experiences. From this basis springs up the race mind which
breeds the seed of war.
To follow truth you cannot be tethered, therefore to know yourself
there must be the awareness, the alertness of mind in which there is freedom
from all beliefs and ideals, because beliefs and ideals only give you a colour
preventing true perception.
To only pursue an ideal leads you away from what you are and this
is but an escape. It prevents you from discovering what yourself is. If you
want to know what you are, you cannot have a belief in what you are not.
If I am greedy, envious, violent, merely to have an ideal of non-violence is
of little value. But to know that one is greedy and violent, to know and under-
stand it, requires deep perception, it demands honesty and clarity of thought, in
this alone there is freedom.
So the understanding of what you are, whatever it may be, ugly or
beautiful, kind or unkind, the understanding of what you are without distortion
is the beginning of virtue. Virtue that merely brings out respectability is not
understanding and freedom.
Being virtuous and becoming virtuous are two different things. Being
virtuous comes through understanding what you are, becoming virtuous is
the covering up of what you are. To merely have an ideal of what you are not,
is not virtue, but coming face to face with what you are is virtue. Virtue is an
understanding of what you are, therefore brings freedom, while so-called
virtue is illusion and bondage. If you do not know what you are, what are
your hindrances to the expression of Reality, striving to become virtuous
will not make you virtuous. Reality can only be found in understanding