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                    the result of an isolating process that begets resistance, and where there is
                    resistance there can be no relationship.
                           This false sense of the self is the factor No. l in the process of separation,

                    which breeds isolation. Isolation begets resistance and resistance begets
                    strife and misery. A person who is kindly and understanding has no sense
                    of domination. Therefore such a person is not bound to any nationality, to
                    any group, for as long as you have separation in relationship, in individuals,

                    in nations or groups, there is bound to be resistance and this leads to conflict
                    and misery. I hope that your mind is capable of grasping what I am saying,
                    for without understanding this you will continue to perpetuate your misery.

                           Any person or group or nation or group of nations who seek power
                    as a form of self-protection, even protection from that which they call God, is
                    still caught up in the isolating process. Isolation then produces resistance

                    and conflict which leads to further destruction and not to peace.
                           It is obvious to you then, I hope, that as long as relationship is based
                    upon power, domination, there must be the process of isolation which immedi-

                    ately invites conflict. Therefore  there is no such thing as living in isolation.
                    No country, no people, no individual can live in isolation. Yet because we
                    seek to dominate in so many different ways, we breed isolation.
                           If we identify ourselves with any group, whether it be religious or national,

                    we build a wall against the other. When we build a wall against something
                    that something is constantly beating against our wall, and when we resist
                    something it indicates that we are in conflict. Jesus said, “resist not evil.”

                           So unless we understand our relationship with others we will never
                    know ourselves and by not knowing the self we live in ignorance. Therefore
                    an individual who identifies himself with groups, with nations, and talks about
                    brotherhood is a liar for he is living in a state of contradiction.

                           That is why it is very important for those who wish to create a new
                    culture, a new society, a new state, first to understand themselves. To under-
                    stand oneself with the various inward movements and fluctuations we will

                    understand the motives, the intentions, the perils that are hidden, and only
                    in that understanding is there transformation and regeneration.
                           We shall only create a new culture, a new society, which will not be

                    based on conflict, when we understand ourselves. If this has not sunk deep
                    into your minds it is useless to look to someone outside, some outside means to
                    bring it about. For without understanding oneself in relationship with another,

                    and the ways of one’s mind and heart, merely to establish or depend upon

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