P. 384

JUNE 1953

                    an outside group or system, which is a mere cunning formula, has very little
                    meaning or value.
                           True relationship is immediate transformation, and only in this way

                    can we bring about a fundamental basis for peace and understanding in the
                    world. This will come only when the walls of isolation are destroyed, and this
                    can take place only within individuals understanding themselves.
                           I have taken this whole letter to explain this most important question

                    which I hope you will now all understand. Then do not rely on any outside
                    power to transform the world, for it cannot be done until the individual himself
                    or herself is transformed through understanding the self and the ways of the self.

                           “You must love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your
                    whole soul, with your whole mind, and with your whole strength.” “You must
                    love your neighbour as yourself. There is no other command greater than

                    these.” St. Mark l2: 30-3l.

                           O Beloved Wholeness, Thou art one. Thou art alone living in each
                           In Thee there is no division, no separation. This is Peace, Love and
                    Wisdom for all.

                           Yet in the mind of man the seed of dissension has arisen through desire
                    for the power of the self.
                           In ignorance man has pursued a state of isolation and separation which

                    is contrary to Thy Will.
                           O Beloved wholeness, Thou didst send Thy son into the world to
                    show the way but man nailed him to a tree.
                           This sin has dogged man ever since and not until Thy Will, O Holy

                    One, is made clear to the ignorant man will he ever be free of confusion and
                    conflict through isolation and separation.
                           Yet the words of Thy son are still heard by those who have ears to

                    hear. May it be possible, O Mighty One, that Thy will be on earth as it is
                    done in heaven.

                             MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU

                                                                              Yours very sincerely,

                                                                       Murdo MacDonald-Bayne

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