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                   David White, CEO DRG   initiatives are helping to ensure   author and lecturer, and member   in the organisation, can add   Peter Hain, past South African
                     and BusinessFit  that SMEs are given adequate   of the SA Chamber UK Exco.    value and help the world to   transformation campaigner,
                                      support and opportunity to    Mobin’s passions and purpose   meet and exceed principles and   is the organisation’s global
                           RG and     grow and contribute ideas     are identically aligned with the   actions as detailed in the United   president in trade and business.
                           BusinessFit  and innovation to the global   work the SA Chamber United   Nations seventeen Sustainable
                                                                                                                                 By 2030 Mobin sees CEC and
                    Dhave been        economy. This enables the     Kingdom and Durban Chamber    Development Goals.           GEF contributions in the SME
                    invited to join the   creation of employment    of Commerce and Industry       Mobin has been particularly   sector showing an upliftment
                   Commonwealth       opportunities across all business   are doing to expand horizons   excited about the DRG and   of global environmental,
                     Entrepreneurs    sectors and organisation sizes,   and opportunity for SMEs to   BusinessFit intention and   social, and economic values,
                     Club and Global   thus positively effecting poverty   develop trade linkages between   model to support development   as well as advancements in
                     Economic Forum.   alleviation. Mobin recognises   South Africa and the United   of more businesses being   the fields of science, business
                                      that developing individual and   Kingdom. Such relationships and
                       Developing     community hope and pride is   way-forward considerations are   more successful more often,   and technology, resulting in
                      a healthy,      an important outcome focus. It   directly aligned, and uniquely   and he explained that this   increased cooperation and
                      active, and     builds confidence and encourages  synergistic. Through our work in   model will help to bring   solidarity between governments
        progressing nation is the     contributions from industry   BusinessFit SA and BusinessFit   confidence to entrepreneurs   and business communities
        responsibility of every person   influencers to propel forward   International, we have since our   and business leaders running   within Commonwealth
        within every country. There are   SME development and inclusion   inception in 2012 recognised that   their organisations, as well as   countries. Mobin’s team consists
        of course certain people who   across the entire world.      one of the most practical ways to   investors who will now more   of significant influencers such
        are able to influence change and                            create sustainable employment   easily be able to gauge the   as Ian Liddel-Grainger MP, who
        opportunity in nations, and the   CEC’s mission is to link   is through the growth of SME   quality and effectiveness of    is chairman parliamentarian
        world at large, more effectively   SMEs with global distributors   sectors. Mobin has attracted   the organisations they choose    association, and vice chairman
        than others. One of these     to recognise and encourage    many chambers and governments   to support and allocate capital   of UK Commonwealth and CEC.
        mighty men is the chairman and   innovation, to provide access   to participate in supporting    and resources.        Included as well are Lord JD
        founder of the Commonwealth   to capital and to grow SME    this initiative, and as such                               Waverley, president SME Trade
        Entrepreneurs Club (CEC) and   opportunities in diverse     energy and excitement is being   Build SME Sectors         and Business; Lord Sheikh,
        Global Economic Forum (GEF)   sectors such as finance, trade,   driven from all corners of the   CEC is about momentum,   president CEC; Lord Rami
        Mr Mobin Rafiq.               infrastructure, conservation,   Commonwealth, with a common   and encourages individuals,   Ranger CBE, president CEC;
                                      energy, steel, development of                               organisations, and governments   Lord Taylor, president media
          Mobin is passionate about global   industrial parks, real estate,   focus on lifting and enhancing                   and creative industries; Lord
        poverty alleviation. Through   smart cities, agriculture,   trade and value creation among   with the same outcome     Aamer Sarfraz, president venture
                                                                                                  intention to contribute ideas
        his multi-dimensional approach   logistics, technology, health care,   Commonwealth countries.                         capital; Nizam Prince Raunaq
        as a technocrat, industrialist   tourism, communication, fashion                          and structural platforms to   Yar Khan, patron; and Azim
                                                                                                  help build SME sectors across
        and philanthropist he has     design, education, and skills   A Scientific Approach       the Commonwealth into        Premji, global president.
        been able to achieve significant   development.  CEC has not left a   BusinessFit, over the past   thriving business communities.
        momentum across the entire    single stone unturned in its    decade, has focused on      Mobin highlights further that   Through DRG and BusinessFit’s
        Commonwealth to develop and   drive to rescue and advance   developing a scientific approach   national and international   valuable contributions in the
        enable small and medium size   vulnerable SME sectors across   to support entrepreneurs and   government and business   fast-developing SME sector,
        enterprise (SME) entrepreneurs   the entire Commonwealth.    business leaders “Building   influencers have an important   David White was appointed a
        and business leaders to grow                                Better Businesses”, that meet   role to play in supporting the   CEC Global Ambassador, with
        their organisations. This he   Mobilising Forward           governance, ethical and quality   development of SME sectors,   the responsibility to encourage
        does by instilling skills such as   Mobin’s vision extends to the   assurance standards, operational   and to continue encouraging the   engagement and support from
        business development, effective   concept of mobilising forward,   hurdle rates and stakeholder   momentum needed to escalate   South Africa and African
        networking, and opening of    which in simple terms helps   expectations, and as such to a   and enhance SME growth and   business influencers and
        corridors to international trade   organisations upsize to new   degree normalising the concept   opportunity.  South African   SME entrepreneurs and
        opportunities. It is of course   heights and opportunities.    of creating successful and   transformation alignment   business leaders.
        SMEs that are the backbone    Mobilising forward through    sustainable businesses. World   programmes encourage that    We encourage everyone who
        of any developing economy,    skills development, mentoring,   over, eight out of ten businesses   larger organisations procure   would like to join this noble
        and through Mobin’s passion,   and the support of active business   fail in their first two years of   at least thirty percent of their   collaboration, to please visit
        experiences, and networks he has   ecosystems helps, for example,   operation, causing a huge waste   goods and services from   the organisation website
        been able to create the desperately   informal sector traders migrate   in effort, resources, and invested   SMEs, and encourage that or contact
        needed momentum to help realise   their organisations into the   capital. The BusinessFit approach   organisations contribute three   Lindiwe Bhadi at the DRG office
        his vision of a thriving global   mainstream economy where   guides entrepreneurs and     percent of their Net profit   on 
        SME business community.       they are able to gain greater   business leaders through a five-  after tax (NPAT) to supplier
          Mobin’s networks and influence   opportunity and protection.    stage quality assurance process.   and enterprise development.
                                                                    This results in clearly defined
        in driving SME development is   Mobilising forward encourages   corrective actions to eliminate   Further, considerable points are
        unparalleled in the world today.   organisations to improve internal   errors and blockages, and the   generated on the black economic
        Mobin has been able to attract   efficiencies and operational   creation of a Sustainability   empowerment scorecard when
        support and encouragement for   effectiveness, and as such grow   Report, where aspects such   organisations invest in training
        his work from royal dynasties,   micro businesses into small   as leadership, functional area   and development for their staff
        parliamentarians, diplomats,   businesses, small businesses   foundations, metrics, and   members. South Africa therefore
        bankers, industrialists, military   into medium businesses, and   employee engagement are linked   is in some areas ahead of many
        generals, academics, and several   medium businesses into larger   together. This creates a common   Commonwealth countries
        thousand SMEs across 56       organisations. Mobin sees clearly   language for the organisation,   in encouraging progressive
        Commonwealth countries.       that this vision is achievable, but   which supports the focus of   economic engagement norms to
                                      realises too that other industry                            help drive opportunity for the
        SME Capacitation              influencers, and entrepreneurs   meeting organisational and   creation of a healthy and vibrant
                                                                    stakeholder measures, and aligns
          CEC and GEF are vanguard    and business leaders themselves   organisational activities with   SME business community. South
        organisations in SME          need to take advantage of this   Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)   Africa has a lot of experience to
        capacitation, leading the way in   developmental platform and the   standards such as environmental   share with the world in regard
        new developments and ideas to   collaboration momentum CEC   impact, contribution to society,   to SME development, and it
        promote opportunity for SMEs   and GEF have created within the   and adherence to governance   is not unexpected that Lord   Mr Mobin Rafiq
        within national and international   SME sector.             standards and best practice
        markets. They help to build    I was fortunate to be introduced   considerations. The Sustainability
        strong business relationships   to Mobin and CEC and CEF    Report is comprehensive in
        that encourage and support    through Professor Tony Granger,   that it also considers where an
        public-private partnerships. Such   a past Rhodes University business  organisation, and individuals

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