Page 109 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 109

There’s a voice inside you that wants to lead and guide you… get to know

                 yourself well and be all that you love and that you’re passionate about.

                                                          communities where people feel they’re outcast,  perceives the overall value as far greater than that of
          Creative Director, Heartstrings Community Project
                                                          either shunned or marginalised.                  the product itself, as it was symbolic of a changing
                                                                                                           life. From small beginnings seven years ago, they
                AULA STRYDOM is the creative director who,  Dreaming of building a hall, Paula points to a tent
                                                                                                           have many initiatives gaining momentum.
                with husband Mike, is the big heart behind  outside and laughs, “That will be a community hall
         PHeartstrings Community Project. They seek  if we can get funds, for people to come together.  Integrity, dignity and respect
          to cultivate a spirit of belonging and community  Sometimes, we just have to start and trust that it   Paula describes their success as a result of combining
          that they envisage will grow South Africa from   will happen; it’s an opportunity for someone to put   their strengths. “I feel it’s  the  respect  of men  and
          strength to strength. Based in Crestholme, the   their hand to something and feel that they’re doing   women working together hand in hand that actually
          initiatives include Heartstrings Trading Co, Calico   something for this country, because that’s what   leads  to  success.”  She  feels  they  shouldn’t  worry
          Heart Clothing, and Livingstone Nursery where   we’re really passionate about.”                  about chasing success, but rather worry about what
          people come together to maintain and grow plants                                                 their influence is and what their calling is – if they’re
          which are sold to fund some of Heartstrings’ projects   Paula explains that while Mike was working and   authentically themselves, and work within the
          in Crestholme and surrounds. At Pilgrims Rest tea   they were doing well, they weren’t drawn to fancy   framework of integrity, dignity and respect, at a level
          garden, tea and coffee are freely available for all,   places, but rather to out of town locations. Moved by   of excellence and hard work, success will follow.
          bringing people from all walks of life together. On   the difficult times they witnessed, Paula recounted
          Saturdays, cake is sold to cover costs and share the   saying, “you know, somebody should do something”,   A work-life balance is integral to Paula’s family life-
          beautiful space with visitors.                  which was the catalyst for answering voices from   style. “Each day is completely unique, it’s quite like
                                                          within that said, “Tag, you’re it, do something!” And   it is rest. One day we might be doing something
          At the Heartstrings community kitchen, meals are   they did. After praying about it, they felt this calling   administrative,  the  next something  completely
          prepared for people in need, including children   getting stronger and their focus beginning to shift.   creative, so... we’re playing at the same time as
          attending the nearby creche and inner-city people   They realised that while they were telling everyone,   working. Our balance is in work hard and play hard;
          who live on the margins of society – sex workers,   “live your best life and dream”, they needed to be   we do it all with the passion of our calling and that is
          addicts, homeless people and those living in shelters.   part of making those dreams possible. And so they   our balance, it’s how we’ve done this for seven years.”
          After providing a meal, the Frontier Church ministry,   started, with the insight that they should begin with
          led by Paula and Mike, spend time caring for their   what was at hand. They took stock and knew the   I  would  tell  my  younger  self  to  listen  to  your
          emotional needs, as there is often no one in their   time was right; they had a bowl of small change that   intuition… there’s a voice inside you that wants to
          lives who will hug them and listen to their stories.  they’d dropped coins into over time, and a gardener   lead and guide you, get to know yourself well, be all
          A bridge between communities                    who needed change in his life so, with what      that you love and that you’re passionate about, and
                                                                                                           it’ll grow and develop from there. Listen to the voice
                                                          amounted to exactly R1000 of small change and the
          Heartstrings, explains Paula, is essentially about                                               inside of you, and don’t be scared to make mistakes.
          uplifting communities, empowering people and    commitment of a certain gardener, they took a leap   Try things; mistakes are only mistakes when you give
          connecting hearts. The definition of a ‘heartstring’   of faith and began.                       up and you don’t learn something from them. Every
          is a vein where blood flows from and returns to  Their  inspiration  was  to  ‘take  something  that  was  part of who I am today is because there was a young
          the heart, giving life; connecting people’s hearts  rubbish’ and from it create something that was  woman who wasn’t afraid to try different things.
          provides a two-way flow of life – those that offer  beautiful and teach others how to do that too. After  Even if it seems so incredibly diverse,  you never
          blessing find that they are blessed in turn. Paula’s  raiding dumpsters, and purchasing a few items that  know what that’s all going to accumulate into. When
          motivation behind the community project is to  fitted their décor design, they went home to begin  I look back at all the different things that we were
          be a heartstring, in essence a bridge between  the process of recycling and repurposing. Paula  involved in – I feel they are now coming into fruition.

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