Page 113 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 113
Be yourself, and live your life in line
with your ethics and your values.
Making business success meaningful Brigitte has recently joined Rotary, and notes that,
of Harvey World Travel Highway “I’m definitely proud of what I’ve achieved, but I’m like everything else in life, the more you give, the
certainly not at the end of my career yet,” she points more you get back.
RIGITTE TURNER is head of Harvey World out. “There’s so much to be done – and not enough Living a well-rounded life
Travel Highway. When Brigitte bought Harvey time to do it.” Inspired by Branson’s philanthropic
With running a demanding business, her family
BWorld Travel Highway 18 years ago, she’d never commitment as well as his business acumen, and by
commitments and community work, it can’t be easy to
worked in the travel industry. In fact, she’d built a highly Mother Theresa’s service to her community, Brigitte
do it all, but Brigitte is adamant that you need balance.
successful corporate career in property development knows that everyone can make a difference. “I only
“My circle of life includes family, friends, spirituality,
and was managing director of a major national wish I could be even half as selfless as Mother Theresa,”
career, finances, health and love life, and everything
property organisation. Despite the demands of her she laughs. needs to be in balance for my life to work,” she says.
corporate position, Brigitte was a natural entrepreneur
Business success has allowed Brigette to make a “If one element is out of balance, I feel it across all
and already owned three other companies when a
greater contribution to society. As a business, Harvey aspects of my life. And I need my community work as
friend mentioned that there might be an interesting
World Travel Highway supports community events much as I need my exercise.”
opportunity in a small travel business.
and helps with fundraising projects, but Brigitte feels Needless to say, life is not always perfect, and
Having thrived in the male dominated property that this is only part of it. Over the years she’s served
Brigitte points out that a difficult divorce a few years
development industry, Brigitte doesn’t believe that on the boards of several charities and gives of her time
ago took its toll and she felt she was in a slump
women need to take a different approach to men and business skills too. She’s particularly committed
across every element. But true to her belief that
to their careers. “Yes, women are still frequently to her church’s social transformation project and
our time on earth is limited and we need to use it
discriminated against, particularly when it comes headed a business forum to develop business skills for
well, she soon got herself back on track. “Whenever
to salaries in corporates, but women have more emerging entrepreneurs. “The business forum started
I feel things aren’t going as well as they should, I
opportunities that ever before. Instead of being as a workshop for three or four entrepreneurs each
take a good look at my wheel of life, pray to God for
daunted by your situation,” she says, “you need to meeting, and rapidly grew to over 150 people every
guidance, and figure out which area I need to deal
trust in yourself, believe that there are opportunities week, with formal training courses.” with. And it works for me.”
because you have something to offer, and be But Brigitte didn’t just set up the business forum,
yourself.” Be kind
she trained entrepreneurs herself, spending many
She credits her talented and committed team for a Monday evening in Kwadabeka and Lamontville. When asked what advice she would give her younger
their huge contribution, and takes guidance from She’s particularly fulfilled by the real success stories self, Brigitte says it’s the same advice she gives her
Richard Branson, her “ultimate entrepreneur”, in that started in these workshops, and one in particular three children today. “Be kind and be generous, stick
setting high targets for herself. Branson says he made a real mark. “Mandisa Sithole, who owns the to your values, pray often and remember that ethics
never sets a target unless it really frustrates him, and craft shop at King Shaka International Airport, had a matter. If you follow this simple dictum, it will stand
Brigitte agrees that without aiming high, you’ll never small beading business and a big dream. And I’m so you in good stead, and you’ll always be able to look
reach great heights. honoured to have been a small part of her journey.” people in the eye.”