Page 117 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 117

You only get one chance to live this life,

                                                           so live it to the fullest.

                                                          Brenda extending the scope of her accreditation to  Looking for new things to do
          Director,                                       the Education, Training and Development Practices
          at New Generation Skills                                                                         Brenda has a level of contentment for the distance
                                                          SETA. In turn, this accreditation led to her offering   that she has come but would like to grow further.
                                                          the full Occupationally Directed Education Training
                RENDA VILBRO’s career in learning and     and Development Practices (ODETDP) qualification.   “The company has a footprint in Durban, Cape Town
                development which has been driven by                                                       and Johannesburg but I would like to see where the
         Ba passion for people resulted in  the esta-     This accreditation has come with advantages.  business can take us. Our vision is to be the training
          blishment  of  New  Generation  Skills  in  2005.  The  “Training  facilitators  allows me  to handpick my  provider of choice though quality service delivery
          company has a strong family ethos with both her son  team and we only use the best to ensure that the  that inspires leaders and managers to maximise
          and mother involved, respectively, in administration  company maintains its high standards,” says Brenda.  their potential.”
          and financial management. Brenda’s role includes  “New Generation Skills prides ourselves on high   “As I encourage our learners to be life-long learners, so
          setting the standards, marketing and the deve-  energy, creative, and contemporary workshops that   I am myself a life-long learner, I certainly don’t know it
          lopment of her people.                          are delivered by professional facilitators who walk   all. I am looking for new things to do and new ideas,
                                                          the talk.”
          After several years teaching maths and science, an                                               because you are never too old to learn and develop
          opportunity arose for Brenda to follow her heart,  “We are now accredited with a wide range of SETAs,  yourself as a person.”
          which she says she ‘jumped at’. At that time, schools  because as we have grown as a company, so we have    In reflecting on her journey, Brenda says that she has
          had become multicultural and she saw a need to train  had  to extend  our  scope  across  most  industries,”    had her fair share of ups and downs. “There have been
          teachers to be better prepared to meet the changing  said Brenda.                                times when I have failed. I have had to pick myself up
          needs of the classroom.                         Train from the heart                             quickly because I have responsibilities…”
          Education management                            One of the challenges that Brenda faces is to en-  Speaking of the role of women in business, she says

          Brenda worked in the NGO sector teaching adults for  courage companies to train from the heart and to  that the reality is that business is still dominated by
          a period of five years during which time she com-  send employees on training courses that are of value.  men. “Women have to work much harder to be
          pleted a master’s degree in education management.  “Often training is merely a tick the score card exercise  respected and to be taken seriously by men. We
                                                          in order to comply with legislation. New Generation  constantly have to prove ourselves, but we are just
          “I then began freelancing as a facilitator with a focus   Skills is relationship driven, we prefer to work closely  as capable of getting the respect of colleagues.”
          on leadership and management programmes, so the   with our clients, through a partnering approach, to  Significantly, New Generation Skills was awarded
          next step was to open my training company.”
                                                          identify skills that will develop people to fly.”  the eLan Property Group SMME Award at the 2019
          New  Generation  Skills  was  accredited  as  a  training   Brenda commented she is inspired by the people   Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards.
          provider with the Services Sector Education and   that come on her training programmes. “Training is  Brenda’s hard work is apparent in that she is up at 5am
          Training Authority (SETA) and is now registered with   rewarding – it changes lives. When you see people  every morning. Her day starts with a gym session,
          the Department of Higher Education to remain    grasp concepts, the lights come on, and they enjoy  which she says sets the tone for the day. “Our work is
          compliant with legislation requirements.
                                                          learning – this inspires me to help them to achieve  busy and very fast paced, and there is no real end to
          During her early years, call centre training was in  their goals. Often, I have had people come to training  the day. There’s always work to prepare for the next
          demand and her facilitation in this field saw her  believing that they won’t succeed. I have been able  day.” To achieve a work-life balance, Brenda makes
          being selected as the 2009 KZN Facilitator of the year  to motivate them to work through a full qualification.  sure that she finds time to relax on weekends, which
          by Business Process Enabling South Africa (BPESA).    I believe that my God given talent is that I have the   is usually by taking leisurely walks on the beach and
          In addition, she received the 2009 BPESA National   power to motivate people. I have always tried to   swimming.
          Facilitator  of  the  year  award.  These  awards,  says   keep positive despite the negatives that happen  If she could give advice to her younger self, she would
          Brenda, were among the highlights of her career.
                                                          around me. I am able to bring a smile to people’s  say: “You only get one chance to live this life, so live it
          The BPESA Awards provoked a request for her to  faces and instil hope in them because I am very  to the fullest, and whatever happiness means to you,
          provide more facilitator training which resulted in  hopeful.”                                   chase it.”

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