Page 121 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 121

Empowering and uplifting

                                                                  small business.

                                                                                                           Sarah admits she’s not good at work-life balance.
                                                          small businesses have the chance to connect with
          Founder,                                                                                         Married to  her childhood sweetheart, and with
          of On South Africa (OnSA).                      customers in their local area.”                  three beautiful daughters, her family is central to
                                                          For Sarah, one of the key issues is that when visitors   her life and her happiness. “I’m ADD*, but when
                 s an art teacher looking for art supplies,  click on a business, they go to a profile page and
                                                                                                           I’m immersed in a project I can really focus on it,
                 Sarah Whitaker did what we all do – she  get to go behind the scenes and find out about
                                                                                                           sometimes almost obsessively.  I still sometimes pull
         Aasked Google. But she didn’t get the  the people running the businesses. “With small
                                                                                                           all-nighters to get things done.”  So she’s grateful
          answers  she  was  looking  for.    “Between  the  big  businesses, relationships are important, and site
                                                                                                           for the help she gets from friends and family – and
          stationery stores and paid ads, I just couldn’t find  visitors can connect with people they relate to.”  she’s aiming to get the balance right soon.
          the small, specialised suppliers I wanted,” she said.
          Happily,  her  network of art teachers  filled  the   Sarah has also chosen not to allow any invasive or   A strong believer that you can achieve anything if
          gap and she discovered a rich resource of small   aggressive ads. There are no distracting pop-ups and   you believe in yourself, Sarah wishes she’d realised
          businesses that had exactly what she needed – but   no spam or click-bait on her sites. “It’s just links to the   this when she was younger – because she would
          couldn’t find online.                           websites of companies who can help you. You find   have taken on bigger challenges sooner!
                                                          out about the businesses who can give you what you
          This was the inspiration for On South Africa (OnSA).    need, and the people who run them. And we help  Big Dreams
          Sarah realised that there was a host of small   them showcase their small businesses to people who   “I want to make a positive difference and empower
          businesses offering products and services of real   are looking for their services, in their area.”  and uplift as many small businesses as possible,
          value – but unable to reach their target market. “I
                                                          Women bring warmth to business                   and  this  is  only  the  beginning,” says  Sarah.  “Yes,
          realised that being found online could make a huge
          difference  in  their  sustainability  and  profitability,  Setting up On South Africa and its network of 12   I’m proud of what I’m doing – and that I’m helping
          but most of them simply didn’t have the resources  websites, “so far”, in 2017 was a major undertaking   other entrepreneurs while supporting various
          and digital skills to make it happen.”  So, she set  for a solo entrepreneur, and Sarah gives huge credit   charities too. Sometimes I have to stop and remind
          about creating a structure to help them do just that  to her husband and  friends and family who helped   myself what I’ve achieved, because there’s so much
          – without the high costs that usually accompany  and supported her, “and brought me a constant   I want to do.”
          building a strong online presence.              stream of coffee”.                               Highly creative, Sarah not only does all the web
          Easy access to specialist small businesses      “I’ve been surrounded by strong, independent     design herself, she’s is also a well-established glass
                                                          women my whole life, particularly my mother and   artist with impressive credentials, including a 100
          On South Africa is a website that links consumers                                                metre original artwork (yes, one hundred metres!)
          to suppliers across twelve categories, with     my sister, and they’ve been a huge inspiration to me.    on the façade of the Bridge City shopping centre in
          a dedicated website for each category.  “For    And my family and friends have been an enormous   KwaMashu, incorporating drawings by children in
          example,” says Sarah, “if you were planning a   support to me as I’ve grown my business.”        the KwaMashu area.
          function, you could go onto the OnSA Celebrate  “I believe that women bring a warmth, and a more
          site and find everything you need – caterers,  nurturing approach to business, and this can bring a  On her LinkedIn profile, Sarah describes herself as
          photographers, florists, venues.”  The OnSA  different dimension to how we run our businesses.  the founder of On South Africa and creator of big
          categories include home, start-ups, social, “kidlets”  It’s not that we need to behave differently than men  dreams.  Happily, her big dreams are also helping fulfil
          and more.  “Visitors get to search by province,  in order to succeed,” Sarah points out, “but often we  the dreams of other South African entrepreneurs.
          they  find  suppliers  relevant  to  them,  and  the  just do.”                                  * attention deficit disorder

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