Page 125 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 125

I believe it’s a level playing field,

                          but we have to play our part too. The right mindset is vital.

                                                          consulting and scoping customer requirements.  You  can  plan  ahead  as  much  as  you  like,  but  we
          of IDU KZN                                      “We’re experts in what we do and we understand our  support our clients through critical reporting
                                                          solutions very well,” says Margie, “but we also need to  timelines and our work is often driven by factors
                   ARGIE WHITTEN, even as a child was     really understand our clients’ business needs too, so  out of our control.”  Margie admits that she doesn’t
                   interested in business, perhaps from force   we can marry the two knowledge pools together to  have a work-life balance.  “I’m not even sure it’s a
         Mof circumstance. Her parents placed a high      implement the right solutions to each client’s needs.”  real thing,” she laughs. “I’ve tried, but when your
          value on education, and chose to make real sacrifices   Women don’t face the same challenges as they   customers need you, they tend to come first – that’s
          to send her to a private boarding school. But it was a   did years ago                           what makes our business.”
          financial stretch, and Margie didn’t have many of the                                            On the bright side, Margie points out, when she
          “necessities” the other girls took for granted.  Undaunted   Over the years, Margie has had many role models,   stopped stressing about work-life balance, somehow
          by this, she realised she didn’t have to go without. “I’ve   but right now she singles out Michelle Obama as   things fell into place. “It works for us.  Though recently,
          always been very determined,” she says, “and I was an   an inspiration. “She’s a strong, competent woman,   my son does seem to love piling on the guilt about
          entrepreneur before I was 16.” Margie set up several   with a transparent commitment to her husband, her   me being a working mom.”
          small businesses while she was at school, her favourites   marriage, her family and she does incredible work
          being an after-hours tuckshop and her second-hand   for the community. She’s such a real person and she   Planning ahead
          clothing business.                              hasn’t been swallowed up by her husband’s power   If Margie had the chance to do it all again, she
                                                          and success.”
          A lucky break started Margie on her path to director                                             wouldn’t change much, but she says she would take
          of IDU KZN. She was invited to an interview by an IT   Margie  is  adamant  that  there’s  an  even  playing   a longer term approach to her goals. “I’ve always
          company, and got the job – and this launched her   field  in  the  IT  world  today.  “Things  have  definitely   had short and medium term goals, but I’d plan
          career.  Here too she connected with the developers   changed. We don’t face challenges that men don’t   better for the life I wanted at the end, and set out
          of the IDU software that powers her business. But it   have to deal with, at least in our industry, and I see   to achieve that. I was a late starter when it came to
          takes more than a lucky break to make a career. “It   this similarity in my clients’ companies too,” says   motherhood, with a miracle baby when I was 40,
          was more of a natural progression,” she says, pointing   Margie. “I believe it’s a level playing field, but we   and having a child made me realise I needed to have
          out that a huge amount of hard work was required to   have to play our part too. The right mindset is vital.    long-term plans in place.  So I changed by mindset
          build her career.                               We have equal opportunities in business and we   and it’s working for me.”
                                                          need to make the most of them.”
          IDU KZN helps medium to larger corporates in KZN                                                 “I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished,” says Margie,
          and into Africa with budgeting and financial reporting   She does acknowledge, however, that women   “but I’m not happy that I’m heading to the end of my
          systems that simplify financial management. As   probably take on more responsibilities than men,   career. There’s still so much I want to achieve – and
          Margie puts it, “We make it easier for our clients to  when it comes to domestic duties, and that can add   it’s not just about me.” Margie points out that she
          make sound business decisions based on accurate  stress and present time challenges. “But we do have   certainly didn’t achieve her success on her own, and
          financial information, without having to spend hours  more resources to support us in being wives and   her team has been invaluable in growing the business
          crunching numbers.”                             mothers as well as business people.”             and delivering value to their clients. “One of my core

          With a strong focus on growth, her prime role is business  “I’m lucky to have the support of an incredible  goals right now is to help my team create a secure
          development, but she is also involved with business  husband who’s happy to share the load at home.   financial future for themselves.”

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