Page 123 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
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the world to paint.
A constant flow of income based founder of SAPRO, a leading importer of South
Executive Director
of the Magic Moments Trust The artists are encouraged to be entrepreneurs and are African products into the United Kingdom (UK), has
given another product, including paint and brushes, to identified with the project. As a result, he is willing to
AISY WHITE is the executive director of Magic take home to paint. They can either keep or sell the work help Magic Moments Trust distribute these products
Moments Trust, which has been established they complete to tourist shops or in their communities. in the UK via his established network through his
Dto teach rural people to discover and develop Painters are also encouraged to share their new-found company’s website.
their creativity through learning fabric painting skills. artistic skills with family members and others. In addition, the South Africa High Commissioner to the
Her aim is to enhance the lives of people, especially
women, who are unemployed and from rural areas. Consequently, these lessons create the opportunity UK, Thembi Tambo is passionate about what Magic
for people to be equipped with new skills that have Moments Trust does. “She has invited us to travel to the
Daisy and her mother started the company twenty the potential to provide themselves with a constant UK next year to a South African week in order to give
years ago with the slogan “Teaching the World to painting workshops to people from London, which is
Paint”. In this time she has taught thousands of people flow of income. Some of the artists have gone on to
to paint. About six years ago, Daisy started teaching receive orders from people within their communities very exciting,” said Daisy.
people in rural areas. to paint bags, cushion covers and tablecloths. “These An expansion into the United Kingdom market,
orders fill the recipients with pride and dignity
Says Daisy, “My passion for this project comes from my knowing that people appreciate their skills and are with its strong currency, has significant potential to
love of art and I really enjoy working with people in buying their painted products,” says Daisy. produce fresh income flows to benefit impoverished
rural areas. There are a lot of ‘hidden gems’; people rural communities whose members want to ‘do it for
with real talent. By teaching people fabric painting “We also teach people with disabilities, which is really themselves’.
skills, we have created a means to earn an income.” amazing. When they are sitting around the table, they are
just like everybody else. To become part of the economy Socio-economic development
“The fabric painting workshops help people develop and earn an income gives them a sense of achievement.” Through the Magic Moments Trust, companies are
confidence in their painting abilities, and provide them
with purpose and a passion, and, as an outcome, to The success of the Magic Moments Trust painting offered the opportunity to contribute to this unique
feel that they are worthy and contributing towards an programme is evident in that creations have been sold and empowering programme. Opportunities exist to
inclusive society.” in the Embocraft Training Centre Craft shop, and the enhance a company’s B-BBEE status through optimising
1000 Hills Community Centre shop that sell to tourists points allocated to Socio-Economic Development.
Practicing new skills and local visitors. In addition, the Centre has received
Daisy designs the ever-expanding range of unique orders from as far afield as Australia and Scotland. “We are also working towards a zero-percentage
funding model, where we buy the paintings back
artwork. The designs are printed onto fabric and are The Durban International Conference Centre ordered
sewn into articles, which include bags, cushion covers, 400 painted bags in 2017 to give to delegates for a from the students and then we sell them in the UK.
placemats and tablecloths, and prepared for painting. When that money comes back into the Trust, we are
conference in 2018. Such orders provide extra earning able to train more students. In this way we don’t have
Artists meet weekly for about six-hour painting opportunities for the painters. to rely on funding,” said Daisy.
sessions. At each lesson, they are taught fabric painting The Magic Moments Trust is passionate about helping
techniques and given a chance to practice their new their artists to become self-sustaining and hopes to Magic Moments Trust is also looking for more
skills. The artists each receive a product to paint and are continue multiplying the volume of products painted. outlets to distribute these products locally. Says
paid instantly for the work they complete in the class. Daisy, “My aim is to help these budding artists grow
They also receive refreshments and money for transport. Expansion into the United Kingdom their dreams and reach new goals as an example to
“I really enjoy seeing their confidence grow and the In line with this drive, the Trust is creating an other members of their community. My aspiration
joy on their faces at what they can accomplish in the opportunity for these entrepreneurs to sell their is to continue to create sustainable employment for
painting classes,” explains Daisy. painted goods in London. Mike Miller, the London people from rural areas.”