Page 5 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 5

Service to man is service to God.

           Partner, Business Resilience and Continuity Services,    women in business, Nashikta uses a recent event.  She belongs to the Sri Sathya Sai organisation which
          KPMG South Africa                               She was in a boardroom with “powerful men and  is based on five human values: “truth, love, non-
                                                          women from across SA”. The tea lady walked in and  violence, right conduct, and peace”. She tries to live
                  ASHIKTA AUTHAR ANGADH is a Partner in   placed a tea tray on the table between a gentleman  by these in everything she does.
                  KPMG and heads up the Business Resilience  and a lady. The lady glared at the tray in a way that   Nashikta sustained serious injuries in a vehicle
         Nand Continuity Services unit of South  suggested she thought serving tea would reduce            accident during 2013. Spinal surgery prevented
          Africa. Her function can be summarised as preparing  her power in the room. However, the gentleman   permanent paralysis, but she was confined to her
          clients for planned and unplanned disasters. She  got up and cheerfully served the tea. This incident   bed  for three months and had to learn to regain
          involves herself with organisations at a deep level to  made Nashikta realise that: “as women, we need   movement and walk during a long, difficult
          understand their critical processes and the potential  to deal with the internal barriers we create for   recovery. She says her spirituality carried her during
          risks they face to develop a “fit for purpose recovery  ourselves that prevent us from being what we can   this tough time and made her appreciate life.
          strategy” to be used in the event of a disaster.   be and doing what we need to do. Women need to   When  KPMG experienced difficulties in recent

          When Nashikta was thrown into the deep end to   be bold enough to make the tea without worrying   years she felt alarmed but did not leave and tried
          take the reins in leading Business Resilience for KPMG   what everyone thinks and what their opinions are.”  to demonstrate the five values as a leader. She
          she began by “rolling up her sleeves, embracing the   Historically, there were many challenges between   believes leadership is tested during challenging
          books, and soaking up and entrenching herself in   men and women, however businesses have  pro-  circumstances, not when everything seems good.
          the information”. Along the way, she gained critical   gressed  and  created  numerous  platforms  for
          insights into client practices.  A mentor, “her North   women, which should be embraced.         Authentic self
          Star” offered valuable support and advice. She also                                              She is happy with what she has achieved and proud
          learned from her team that supported her. Ultimately,    A work-life balance requires structure   of winning the Business Continuity Institute’s 2019
          things came together, and she became recognised  Nashikta has an excellent support structure which  award for “Business Continuity Institute, Africa,
          as a leading expert in her field, progressing in the   contributes hugely to her work-life balance; both  Resilience and Continuity Specialist”. She is hoping
          firm to where she is today.                     her  mother  and  mother-in-law  look  after  her  son   for further success in the global category. Being

          An inspiration                                  when she is travelling, allowing her to focus on   involved in developing continuity strategies for
                                                          work. The KPMG work environment is very flexible,   businesses and government departments, Nashikta
          Nashikta finds inspiration in books, videos and in   making it easier to get things done anywhere and   says the “philanthropist in her” wants to take this a
          various people, including her selfless and elegant   at any time. She makes sure not to diddle-daddle   step further and develop a strategy for South Africa.
          mom. Her dad is, however, her main source of    and focuses on business during business hours, so   She explains: “If the country is faced with something
          inspiration. He did not finish school and his limited                                            similar to a 9/11 attack or escalated xenophobic
          financial means made starting a business difficult.   work in her personal time is unnecessary. Nashikta   attacks, SA has to be ready and I want to make sure
          Additionally, he had serious health issues, but he   is grateful for her wonderful  husband who takes   that we are.”
          overcame the odds and made a success of life.   charge with chores around the house and is a hands
          “Looking past his business success, he is an amazing   on  Dad.  He  has  been  her  pillar  of  strength  and   The advice Nashikta would give her younger self is
          soul,”  she  says,  one  who  changed  many  people’s   encourages her to grab on to opportunities, even if  not to shy away from shining and be confident in her
          lives. His belief, “service to man is service to God”   it results in added pressure on himself. She quips, “If  strengths. Being diligent and assiduous, she stood
          became her belief too, allowing her to balance her   all else fails, just pray for energy, tolerance, patience,  out at primary school, making her unpopular with
          accomplishments with remembering who she is and   and guidance to be a good parent, because that is  some kids. She then held back to avoid attracting
          where she comes from.                           the most important aspect of a work-life balance.”  attention during high school. But at university and
                                                                                                           with her career, Nashikta says, “I decided to just be
          Deal with internal barriers                      Practical spirituality                          my authentic self. This allowed me to excel and get
          To demonstrate the difference between men and   Her spiritual background is very important to Nashikta.  to where I am.”

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