Page 7 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
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Hand-outs fail to empower people and have negative effects. On the other hand,
making work available to a person goes along with dignity and empowerment.
Owner and designer, Things went very well until Chinese imports started A strong social focus
of Kim Atkins Jewellers to impact on the business. Kim looked for ways Kim is happy to be where she is, but “still wants to
to differentiate her creations from the imported change the world”. When assessed for career guidance,
IM ATKINS is the owner and designer of Kim products. “My quality was very high, and I only used the report called her “naïve and idealistic”. Many years
Atkins Jewellers. The company predominantly semi-precious stones, pearls or crystals and sterling later she is still focused on making a difference, now
Kmakes and markets jewellery and has deve- silver rather than plastic and inferior materials. I particularly in the jewellery industry. There are still
loped into a social enterprise. Kim provides oppor- started differentiating further by creating jewellery many issues where she feels she could provide hope
tunities for students who need work and assistance that represented biblical pictures or themes. This and bring real change.
with their studies and to young jewellers needing worked very well, sparking the business to thrive.” Trying to address South Africa’s parallel economies is
experience so that they can become established in In this context, Kim is often asked to speak to women one of her key focus areas. “Some people come from
their own right. groups. an advantaged background, they can move into their
Kim prioritises looking after the people who make Faith in God dreams and what they aspire to, but others cannot
the jewellery in her business. She believes that this Kim says that many people have added value along aspire to change anything.”
approach influences customer satisfaction. “First look the way and helped her to get to where she is In reflecting on her achievements, Kim believes that
after the people working for you, then you will make today. Her studies and courses have contributed, using students to make jewellery and gain experience
the customers happy,” she says. has worked well. In addition, the disparity between
and the mentorship programmes she has attended
Her very busy daily activities also include designing have been valuable. “Flourish and Thrive, an online the relative ease for her to start a business due to
jewellery, overseeing social media, marketing, and company in the USA that helps people with their her background and access to resources, compared
general business issues. jewellery business, helped me transition my hobby to students with almost nothing and for whom the
business system does not work has become something
Kim went to “A little art school in the Cape” to study. into a business.” she wants to address. Consequently, to help bridge
Her subjects included textile design, spinning and Much of Kim’s inspiration and her drive to make a that gap and bring value to the students’ work she has
weaving, jewellery design, painting and drawing. difference for people comes from her confessed faith transitioned her business to have a strong social focus.
Afterwards she worked in the textile industry, but in God. “I am also driven by the beauty I see in people.
unfortunately, “The local textile industry almost died Artistically I am inspired by the aesthetics of colour Due this transition, a project was born to build an
due to imports”. and shape.” incubator; a studio facility where people can work and
learn to run their own jewellery business. Kim is the
She looked around and travelled overseas before In her experience, men and women approach business managing director of the company formed, Legacy
starting a handmade jerseys’ business. Several women somewhat differently. “Men tend to focus more on Jewellery Projects, which will assist people who are
who had been trained by the Anglican Church to knit the bottom line and profits, whereas for women it is skilled, but not yet empowered.
and sew, worked part-time for her. “The valuing of often more about the people and bringing out the “Hand-outs fail to empower people and have negative
their creations changed something in these women, best in them,” she says. She thinks both approaches effects. On the other hand, making work available to a
and they took pride in doing something well.”
are necessary. person goes along with dignity and empowerment,”
Creations with a theme says Kim.
Achieving a work-life balance has been made
The loss of her first baby affected Kim badly and she easier now that Kim’s children are predominantly Anything is possible
felt unable to do creative work for ten years. During studying, allowing her to focus on work. She tries If she could, she would advise her younger self, “Don’t
this period, she undertook ceramic restoration work. to compartmentalise things to prevent work from be conformed by what other people think of you, or
Although agreeable, fixing people’s things rather than becoming all-consuming. Being close to the people by things seeming impossible. Whatever you dream
creating something was ultimately not fulfilling. A working for her, she finds it difficult not to get pulled becomes possible if you work at it.” Kim concluded,
friend suggested beading work, and after been given into their stories. This can affect a work-life balance “Looking back at where my business started and
money to buy beads, she started making jewellery. and sometimes requires her to take a step back. where it is now shows anything is possible.”