Page 79 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 79
Focus on the contribution you bring to the table,
make sure you raise your voice when you need to be heard.
control. She remarks, “Clichéd as it may sound, my contribution you bring to the table, make sure you
Forensic Director, KPMG Durban
career required lots of hard work and sacrifices, both raise your voice when you need to be heard. Being
ANDICE PADAYACHEE is the forensic director on my part and that of my family.” a woman, being a mother and being a wife bring
for KPMG. She maintains primary responsibility Candice says that she has benefitted from the different challenges in business.”
Cand oversight of the Forensic Division in the support of people around her, especially from her Work-life balance requires structures
Durban region, leading a multi-disciplinary team and husband and two children, her parents, wider family Achieving a work-life balance is interesting for
engaging the firm’s key clients. and friends who have been the biggest supporters Candice. “It has become a buzz word in a busy world,
in her career progression.
Candice is an admitted attorney of the High Court, yet means different things to different people”, she
and holds a master’s degree in Advanced Labour She adds that ‘tremendous colleagues and mentors remarks. For her, to achieve such balance requires a
Law (Cum Laude) from the University of KwaZulu- at KPMG’ encouraged her to pursue her dreams, conscientious focus on structure.
Natal (Pietermaritzburg). and they also gave her the feedback she needed Together with her husband, they have set boundaries
to develop her strengths and focus on the things
She was raised in Pietermaritzburg and began her for family time. Her two young children require her
career as an associate at a leading KwaZulu-Natal law that are important to her. Candice recognises the attention after her workday and have a full homework
firm, but was soon drawn to forensics. This interest contribution of her team in achieving positive schedule. She says it is important to set hours aside
was fuelled primarily by her passion for seeking justice results. She believes that success in forensic requires for her family and make sure that she is fully present
and ensuring that as a country and as a community, a passion for seeking the truth and an objective during that time.
mind to get the relevant facts.
ethics and right practice remain in place.
An inspired leader Family holidays are important and help create good
Her view is that “fraud, bribery and corruption severely memories that are essential for the children to have.
impact peoples’ lives.” She added, “It is so rewarding Candice feels inspired by many people. Firstly, her Candice is proud that her children know her as a
that the work KPMG Forensic does, actively infiltrates grandmother, a professional nurse who made many working mother, and she hopes that her example will
these economic crimes.” personal sacrifices to assist those around her. She help them believe that they can aspire to be anything
illustrated that, in the end, there was great reward
Candice particularly specialises in fraud risk in one’s dedication to willingly assist others. This that they are passionate about.
management, forensic investigations, compliance encouraged Candice’s passion and desire to study Live to fulfil a purpose
management, and litigation support. “I am fully
competent in the investigation process throughout further and in her wanting to assist people for the If she could, Candice would advise her younger self
greater good.
the phases of preliminary considerations, planning, to believe more in her own abilities and “tune out the
and gathering of information, analysis, reporting and Secondly, Candice is inspired by her female self-doubt”. She would also assure herself that, “You
closing. This includes the concept of embedding professional colleagues, especially the former director already have everything you need in you”, and that
forensic technology in investigations.” of Forensic at KPMG, who became her mentor. She God is with her and ready to take her on journeys she
demonstrated the place and need for a strong female could not even imagine.
She provides holistic management solutions to leader, according to Candice. “She could lead with
clients in the public and private sectors. Candice has strength and fierceness, but also with kindness and Candice is pleased by her accomplishments but
a proven track record with business development and compassion. She was dedicated to the growth of admits that she looks back with some disbelief at
an established client portfolio, having assisted various young leaders.” And this, in turn, inspires Candice to times. She wants to continue to live in a motivated
organisations in a manner consistent with regulatory help develop young leaders. way that fulfils her purpose in life. At a personal level
requirements and the organisation’s business needs. she wants to grow her leadership abilities, grow in
She says that women often need a different approach the firm, and grow as a person in every way. “I feel
A passion for seeking the truth to men to be successful in business, as they have that I am still young, that most of my journey still
Getting to where Candice is in her career involved a different dynamics and relations to deal with. “As lies ahead and there are exciting things to come,”
combination of things inside as well as outside her a woman you need to work hard, focus on the she concludes.