Page 83 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 83

Being a woman should not be looked upon as a handicap

                                                         but rather a compliment.

                                                          death followed just four years later, whilst she  was told that I looked the part of a secretary, more
          Attorney and sole owner,                        assumed the role of mum at home.                 than that of a lawyer. I was not deterred.“ And now
          of Shamla Pather Attorneys
                                                          She says, “Every accolade, every milestone achieved,   Shamla confidently says that she has won many
              HAMLA PATHER is an attorney, and the sole  I dedicate to my mother. She still inspires me to be   matters against that firm.
              owner of her practice, Shamla Pather Attorneys,   the best that I can be.” Shamla adds that her mother  Shamla is the patron of several organisations and
         Swhich is based in Umhlanga Rocks.               was not formally educated but she taught her values  she makes it her duty to assist where she can. She
                                                          and doing things the right way irrespective of fear or  contributes to the upliftment of the society by
          Shamla is an experienced lawyer who has been in   incrimination.                                 doing pro bono work, team building, and fund-
          practice for 22 years. Her practice provides a wide                                              raising. She is happy to get her hands dirty and
          range of legal services, with a team to back up   The attitude that athletes have inspires Shamla daily.   says to have accomplished something for your
          the firm’s various divisions, with its focus being   She was an athlete at school and an athlete’s focus   community means you are leaving behind a legacy.
          commercial and civil litigation. Shamla also has   gives Shamla strength and exhilaration. “Anything
          experience with family law, a sphere which she   can be achieved with hard work, determination, and  Shamla achieves a healthy work-life balance and
          specialises in, this work is on a referred based, where   dedication”. The start of any problem is like a race  she credits her husband for this. “Despite him being
          she is solicited for her niche expertise. Shamla   and you must focus on what the last 50 metres will  a busy medical doctor, he is helpful and stands by
          practices all over the country and also has a variety   bring. If you have done your preparation and you are  my side, allowing me to do the things that need
          of international clients.                       confident, natural endurance will take over and you  to be done.” He is her biggest admirer and has
                                                          will succeed.                                    encouraged Shamla to break boundaries and not to
          Shamla’s upbringing and family life was simple                                                   be afraid. That’s rare and she appreciates his unselfish
          and humble, and this set the tone for her to want   Uplifting others                             commitment.
          to succeed. Whist she has done well as an attorney,  In evaluating what she has accomplished so   Family time is family time
          her  humility  and  simplicity are  obvious  traits  she  far, Shamla says that she is content but looks at
          possesses. She has not forgotten her days of living in  achieving more in the social environment. Having  She has a good support system but thinks that her
          Chatsworth, where she grew up as the youngest of   come from a disadvantaged background, she is  background of becoming a mum at an early age to
          four children. With three older brothers she learnt to   a champion of women’s and children’s rights.  It is  her siblings allows her to juggle work and home. Her
          play rugby and soccer at a young age and became   a most rewarding feeling when you have made a  family,  including her daughter Jayde, has adapted
          a football fanatic. Her dad, a manufacturing jeweller   difference in someone’s life.            to a schedule that works for everyone. Jayde is the
                                                                                                           light of Shamla’s life and to date her biggest and best
          was a weekly wage earner, Shamla found that he was  Shamla does not believe women should approach
                                                                                                           achievement. Jayde is adoring of her mother and
          still paying off her brother’s university fees, although  business differently to men and she suggests that
                                                                                                           equally proud of her. Jayde says, “Whatever needs to
          he had been seven years ahead of her, when she  women adapt to their environment. “Gone are the
          completed matric.  This was a turning point in her  days that this is a man’s world. It is definitely your   be done, mum makes a plan”.
          life as she knew that to succeed, hard work and  world,  whatever your  gender.  With  the  number  If she had to go back to her younger self, Shamla
          commitment was required.                        of opportunities that women have, instead of  would have told the person she was in her thirties:
                                                          competing against men, you should just get out  “Have another child. Children make life fun, keep
          An amazing woman
                                                          there and do what you do. There is no reason to  you younger”. Shamla and Dan are blessed to have
          Shamla attributes her success and hard work to her   be in their shadow, there is no reason to complain.   Jayde, their only child and the reality that she goes
          late mum. She is emphatic  that her mother remains  Being a woman should not be looked upon as a  away from home to university is a lonely thought.
          the most amazing individual she has encountered.   handicap but rather a compliment. When I went  Shamla feels she was selfish to Jayde in not having
          Her mum passed away during Shamla’s final year  for my first interview for articles of clerkship, I was  another child, as the beauty and bonds of siblings
          at university, which was very traumatic. Her father’s  offered a secretarial position with more salary, as I  is priceless.

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