Page 85 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 85

You need to be clear about your objectives,

                  why you are where you are and what it is that you want to achieve.

                                                          Success is inspirational                         too busy to attend social gatherings like “breakfasts
          Chief Executive Officer,                                                                         for moms” and is too busy for tasks like personally
          at the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry  Palesa attributes her success and where she is today
                                                          to her Christian faith, hard work, and dedication.   dropping her boys off at school. This results in
                ALESA PHILI became the CEO of the Durban  Numerous people assisted her along the way and she   her not knowing many of the moms, but Palesa is
                Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI)  has had a number of different mentors for different   fortunate that her husband helps with most of the
         Pafter a very successful corporate career. This   aspects of her career and life who have helped her.   parental tasks. Her support structure is important to
          included being in an executive role with a computer   Success  inspires  Palesa.  She adds, “One  does  not   her. “Without their assistance, I would not be able to
          company looking after the organisation’s services in   want to be around something that is negative or   do everything I need to do and achieve a work-life
          the southern, eastern and central regions of Africa,  does not work.” Successful people across the country   balance,” she adds.
          being the executive head for Vodacom Business in  and across the world attract her attention; what they  Looking back at herself when she was younger,
          KZN and then the regional head for MTN.         are doing attracts and inspires her. “I try to see what  Palesa would advise herself not to take things at
                                                          I can do personally, in my own way, to add to the  face value but to analyse these and ensure that she
          DCCI represents the business community. As CEO,
          Palesa oversees the organisation, ensuring good   betterment of my city, my province, my country, and  makes the right decisions. She explains that she
          governance and that the Chamber fulfills its mandate   the world at large.”                      would react spontaneously when she was young so
          which is to look after its members, who are mostly   Keep your eye on the ball, the rules for women   she would tell herself to listen more before making
          from the business community of the Durban region.   are different                                decisions.
          The  Durban  Chamber  identifies  government  policy   “Women definitely need to approach business   There is much more to achieve
          relevant to organised business in Durban by am-  differently to men,” says Palesa. And thinks the   Compared to what she would still like to accomplish,
          plifying core issues that impact on business with   existence of “The Boy’s Club out there” cannot be   Palesa does not think that she has achieved much. If
          short, medium - and long-term perspectives. At the   denied and that women cannot fit into the club. “As   she looks back at her corporate background, Palesa
          heart of this unit are industry-specific forums and area   a woman, typically, as you grow in your career, as you   says what she did was mostly target driven to make
          forums (Western, Northern, Southern, and Central)   go higher, you become more of a loner as there are   profits for an organisation.
                                                          very few women up there.” Palesa adds that males are
          that engage on a monthly or bi-quarterly base.
                                                          still in the majority at the top of the corporate world  Her involvement with the Chamber does, however,
          “Our forums provide the coal face of interaction  and that the rules for women are very different. “As a  give her a greater purpose and this enables her
          between our members and the Durban Chamber.  woman, you need to be clear about your objectives,  to achieve more of what she wants to achieve. It
          This is where we get city officials and provincial  why you are where you are and what it is that you  enables her to make a difference and impact on
          policy  makers  to  interact  with  our  members  in  want to achieve.”                          many people.
          terms of any plans that are being put in place as   Palesa says one of her mentors told her that one is  Palesa explains, “I always had a thing in me, even
          well as business opportunities that are available,”   at work to do work, not to make friends, and you   when growing up, to give back. In everything I do I
          says Palesa.                                    need to make sure the job gets done. Her advice to   try and give back in my own small way. I would like
          Advocacy is central to the role the Chamber     women is, “When you encounter corporate politics, it   to look back in five years from now and say this is
          plays and partnership approaches to complex     is important to keep your eye on the ball, understand   the number of jobs I helped to create, and this is the
          and problematic issues affecting business are   the rules are different for you as a woman, and then   number of entrepreneurs I have assisted to grow and
          promoted. The Chamber’s extensive networks also   you should be fine.”                           get where they are.”  She adds she would like to see
          connect members both with local and international  As she is a wife and the mother of two boys, achieving  measurable growth, and only once she gets there
          organisations.                                  a work life balance is not easy for Palesa. She says she is  would she be happy with what she has achieved.

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