Page 87 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
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If I could offer my younger self some advice, it would be don’t be so hard on yourself.
Even bad decisions are stepping-stones to growth, so there’s no point in agonising over mistakes.
client companies in aligning their HR strategies with you do, your work is a vital part of your life – not
Head of Legal and Compliance,
their business strategies. It’s a multi-faceted role, separate from life itself.
at DRG Outsourcing
and no two days are the same, with a variety for “Yes, there are stresses that come with this job,
IKITA PILLAY attributes her success to a responsibilities from assisting companies to develop because our decisions impact on people’s lives.
powerful cocktail of positive peer pressure, policies and procedures, to remuneration strategies And it’s important to deliver for our clients. We go
Nperseverance and a lucky break. She grew and chairing Commission for Conciliation, Mediation the extra mile in helping customers have long term
up in a large, loud and happy family, with three sisters and Arbitration (CCMA) hearings, to consulting on relationships with DRG. But my job is also something
and a brother, but there was no chance of a tertiary wage negotiations. that gives me great satisfaction, and I look forward to
education after school. Determined to get a good The company believes that all its staff are all leaders. coming to work every day.”
education – and to live up to the achievements of
“We are part of a team and we each have specialised Looking back on her career, Nikita is justifiably proud
her two older siblings – she knew she had to study skills. We just feed into each other and on projects of her achievements but doesn’t see herself as
part-time to get ahead.
each person is able to fill in those gaps, according to anywhere close to the finish line. “I’m happy – thus
Nikita recognises that both men and women need clients’ needs,” says Nikita. far! But there’s a lot more I want to do.”
perseverance and resilience to earn their success, Never one to rest on her laurels, Nikita continues to
but also points out that in some ways, woman may She’s also involved in the training and mentoring of study and has just achieved international recognition
have an added advantage. young emerging entrepreneurs. This is a role that’s
particularly close to her heart as she knows how the as a Personal Development Analysis (PDA) analyst
“Yes, women are sometimes seen as weaker than input and mentorship of experienced colleagues has – making her one of only 5600 worldwide. “I also
men, but they are often stronger than they realise. contributed to her own growth. have initiatives planned, and new services that are
Also, women are often at an advantage when it in development to give clients more value-add for
comes to emotional intelligence and soft skills – and Nikita highlights the role that David White, CEO of their businesses. And happily, this means growth for
these are certainly factors that have helped me.” DRG Outsourcing, has played in her career. “Over the DRG as well.”
last seven years David has continually challenged
After several years of paying her dues in general Even bad decisions bring value
me and exposed me to new opportunities. He’s
administration jobs, Nikita got her first human It’s easy to focus on the good, but Nikita acknow-
resources (HR) job 15 years ago, doing payroll for a encouraged me and motivated me to always look ledges that she’s made some bad decisions along
major fast food company. And at last, she’d found for new opportunities. In short, he’s always believed the way too. “If I could offer my younger self some
in me and supported me – and this has helped
her niche. Committed to her career growth, she advice, it would be don’t be so hard on yourself.
continued her studies and worked her way up to me grow in confidence and inspired me to strive Even bad decisions are stepping-stones to growth,
HR manager for the company, before joining DRG to become a more rounded HR professional and a so there’s no point in agonising over mistakes.
Outsourcing. leader in our organisation.”
Life is never completely plain sailing, and the little
Part of the leadership team A vital part of life
hurdles that trip you up are part of your journey. Face
As head of Legal and Compliance at DRG Outsourcing, Asked about her work-life balance, Nikita just your challenges and you’ll be fine in the end – they’ll
Nikita is part of the leadership team, for DRG laughed. Underplaying her hard work and make you stronger and more appreciative of your
Outsourcing, DRG Siyaya and BusinessFit. She assists dedication, she points that when you love what achievements later on.”