Page 91 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 91
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else,
as you are the only one in the world who is you.
Franchisee of ActionCOACH Business Coaching in Marlene’s personal brand is defined by precision in all and skills to prepare them for the big wild world
South Africa that she does, so it is not surprising that the Westville of business. They too can be part of the 4% Club,
based franchise has consistently been placed in the which I would like to believe will increase from 4%
leven years ago, Marlene Powell become Top 100 in the world. to 10% in 10 years.”
ActionCOACH’s first woman business coach She attributes her success to discipline and She added that the meaning of success is very
Ein South Africa. consistency. “I have continued to focus on the different for each entrepreneur. In particular, men
Marlene says she reached a crossroad in her life. positives; the vision and my purpose on why I and women have different approaches to business
After 27 years of working in the financial sector of became a coach. Significantly, Marlene says success success.
the corporate world, she realised she was been hold revolves around the word action. “We literally took a “Having worked with both men and women entre-
back from her family and her quality of life was poor, pact to take ACTION and help our clients to do the preneurs, they each bring different strengths to
even though she was been taking care of financially. same. Results must be forthcoming or else what’s business. I strongly believe that there is place
the point?” I hold my clients accountable for their
“I felt that the corporate world was only interested results and just like a sports coach, push them to for everyone to make a success. I always say that
in getting the best out of me but was not fulfilling perform at optimal levels.” women wear their ‘balls’ on their chest. One thing
me as a human being. I felt like a human doing. I that stands out is the maternal instinct of moms and
realised that there was more to life than doing things Marlene has turned people’s businesses around – the longing to be with their children, which I don’t
for everyone else and not for me.” achieving between 46% to in excess of 100% growth. see as prominently in fathers. That is almost always
“Clients have more than tripled their bottom line in a the number one priority for women, to free up their
Recognising that she’d reached a ceiling in her recessionary economy; won entrepreneurial awards; time so they can be a mom to their children.”
position and as a woman in a male dominant developed exit strategies; taken time out with their
Marlene also strongly believes that she can coach
environment, there was no further opportunities, families and found the financial freedom to pursue more business owners to enjoy quality of life by
Marlene left her job. what really matters.”
spending more time on themselves, their family
She explained that she loved entrepreneur and Marlene is inspired by her clients’ results, especially and friends, which will in turn improve relationships
author, Brad Sugars, the founder of ActionCOACH’s when she sees them reaping the rewards of their and marriages.
vision and saw the possibilities in becoming a hard work and knowing their businesses are taking She added that she has used the ActionCOACH
franchisee. care of them. “Instead of their business controlling methodology to achieve her own work-life balance.
them, they have taken back control of their business.
As the first woman ActionCOACH franchisee in South “My business provides me with time and money to
Africa, and with more than 10 000+ coaching hours, That’s what does it for me!” have work-life balance and it allows me flexibility. I
Marlene is a specialist in her field. She is a certified Marlene has made it to the 4% Club (The 4% who can choose when I work, who I work with and what
business coach, providing help, advice, coaching survive ten years in business) of which she is very I do – that for me is a true business. I can choose to
and mentoring services to small and medium sized proud. Being her own first client, she has proved turn the tap on/up/down depending on my dreams,
businesses. “I guide my clients to implement simple that the ActionCOACH system does work despite goals and my bucket list.”
and practical tools into their businesses, which will trying times. She has endured two ‘recessions’, In giving advice to her younger self, Marlene would
allow their businesses to create more money and sold an intangible product at a premium price and say, “Dream and believe anything is possible. Don’t
time for themselves so that they can enjoy the finer worked with businesses who are dealing with their compare yourself to anyone else, as you are the only
things in life,” explains Marlene. own challenges. one in the world who is you (nobody has your ID
Marlene believes she is living her dream, and has “These past 11 years have moulded me into who number, so nobody can be you!). Don’t let anyone
strong support from her husband Geoff, and son I am today. I know that I’ve found my purpose, or anything stand in your way and get out of your
Dylan, who encouraged her to turn her ambition which is to give back to budding entrepreneurs own way. It’s got nothing to do with you what other
into a reality. and to provide platforms to impart my knowledge people think and do.”