Page 93 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 93

If the vision is clear,

                                                      the how-to will be invented.

                                                          Inspirational parents                            teaching them about financial records, bookkeeping,
          External Audit Associate Director,
          KPMG Durban                                     Marileen’s biggest inspiration in life came from her   and general financial principles. She enjoys KPMG
                                                          parents who have been married for 49 years.  “They   as  a  training  environment  where  coaching  and
                   ARILEEN    PRETORIUS,   a   chartered  are  an  example  of  what  can  be  achieved  when  a   mentoring are offered, and finds it fulfilling to help
                   accountant and registered auditor, is  couple works together.”                          people learn and grow.
         Man external audit associate director for                                                         Being more than your job title
          KPMG Durban, and is part of the leadership team.   Her father was in the SA Defence Force, and he taught
          She maintains responsibility and oversight of the   her to work hard, be loyal and persevere. She values  Marileen is happy with her accomplishments and
          external auditing division leading a team of audit   his professionalism and ‘can-do’ attitude. He taught  where she is, yet adamant that it is far from the end
          professionals, providing assurance to shareholders,   her: ‘If the vision is clear, the how-to will be invented’,  of her journey. She believes, “A job title does not
                                                                                                           reflect who you are, or what you have accomplished.
          financiers, and third parties.                  and she often reminds herself of this mantra.    One’s values are more important”. She tries to leave
                                                          Her mother was ‘a stay-at-home mom’ and the
          Marileen says the route to where she is today started                                            any place better than it was when she found it.
          when she was still in grade eight and she just fell in   backbone of the family. They often moved between
          love with accounting. Even at that young age, she   cities due to her father being transferred, and her  One of her aspirations is for her teenage children to
          dreamt of being a chartered accountant and made   mother always supported him, ran the household,  grow up anchored in their faith, able to handle life’s
                                                                                                           challenges successfully and become responsible
          a conscious decision to make this her goal and to   and raised the children.  Her mother has been helping   adults contributing to society.
          work towards it. “In the end, lots of hard work,   people in the community as long as Marileen can
          perseverance, and dedication were required, as the   remember and her mother’s unwavering faith has   She  comments,  “A  work-life balance is  becoming
          road to becoming a chartered accountant is a long   helped  the  family  through  difficult  times,  keeping   increasingly difficult in a fast-paced world where
          and hard one, involving studies and articles that   them all close to this day.                  immediate results are demanded.” For her, the
          many give up on,” she reflects.                 Supporting people’s progress                     quantity of time available to spend with the people
                                                                                                           you love and doing things you value is less important
          Along the way, Marileen received significant input  In reflecting on the approach of men and women   than the quality of such time and being present in
          into her professional life from ‘the great leaders’ at  to business, Marileen does not believe that there   the moment.
          KPMG. Since  it is  a learning  environment, she  can  should be differences. The accounting profession
          always discuss issues with fellow professionals.   has been male-dominated in the past but has   As a family they have regular breakaways and
          Marileen is grateful that she has benefitted from the   recently grown and developed into an environment   participate in Parkruns over weekends, helping them
          mentoring and coaching she received from people   where  men and  women  can be successful.  “The   to stay connected.
          who had crossed her path.                       diversity brought by different genders strengthens  She feels fortunate to have a good circle of friends,

          Marileen admits KPMG has gone through tough times,   teams, and the different qualities of the genders,  and they have an annual ‘women only’ event. She
          but she is committed to working with the leadership   if used together, contribute to overall success,”   believes it is important for her as a woman to make
          team to rebuild the firm, showing the world who they   she explains.                             enough time for herself, do something she loves and
          really are and restoring their public image.    However, Marileen enjoys supporting the progress   get recharged to be the best she can be.
          Since moving from East London to the Durban     of women  in business.  She was  involved with the  If she could give advice to her younger self, it would
          practice during 2018, Marileen has been embraced   Business  Women’s  Association  in  East  London,  be not to take life so seriously and stress less. She
          by the partners like a family member. She added, “I   providing businesswomen with professional support.  would encourage herself to take more chances and
          would not have been able to achieve what I have  She played an active part in the “Coca Cola 5by20  constantly look for ways to diversify, innovate and be
          without the support of my family – a committed  project”, mentoring and empowering women entre-  prepared for changes, “the only constant in life”. She
          husband and my two children – as well as my circle  preneurs working in rural communities. Most of the  would implore herself to value every day and spend
          of amazing friends.” Marileen also gives credit to  women did not have accounting knowledge, and it  it doing the important things with the people who
          her team for helping her to function effectively.  was fulfilling for Marileen to share her knowledge,  matter most to her.

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