Page 97 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 97

We are born with different skills-sets and

                            have been put on earth to serve a higher purpose in life.

                                                          area of job creation. “For every individual attending  serving on the board of the KwaZulu-Natal Network
          Chief Executive Officer,                        a conference or exhibition at the Durban ICC,  on  Violence Against Women..
           of the Durban International Convention Centre (ICC)
                                                          either as an exhibitor, delegate or visitor, there are   In addition, Lindiwe is well aware of the challenges
                                                          positive economic spin-offs for local businesses. I
               INDIWE RAKHAREBE, the CEO of the Durban                                                     of a being a woman leader in the often male-
               ICC, is affectionately known as the “mother of   would like to see continued meaningful enterprise   dominated world of business. She commented, “As
         Lthe house” by her team.                         development for SMMEs taking place at a grass-   a woman, you are gifted; you are a natural life-giver
                                                          roots level.”                                    and whatever you give life to will increase and grow.
          Lindiwe hold a bachelor’s degree in management
          leadership from the University of the Free State as well   Under her leadership the Durban ICC has won several  So whatever challenges you face as a woman, you
          as other qualifications in marketing management   awards including the World Travel Awards as Africa’s  know how to manoeuvre, whether it’s leading a
                                                          Leading Meetings and Conference Centre and a  company or propelling a cause. I believe a woman
          and management development.
                                                          KZN Premier’s Service Excellence Award in 2018. The  influences everything she touches.”
          Over her 30 years in the corporate environment,   Durban ICC is ranked in the top 1% of all convention   Companies must put strategies and action plans
          Lindiwe has repeatedly proven her ability in strategic  centres globally and is the only convention centre on
                                                                                                           that are measurable and sustainable in place to
          management and leading high-performance teams.  the African continent to make that list.         advance women. Only when people are held
          She has served in a management capacity for all four
          of South Africa’s major banking institutions.   Exceed our clients’ expectations                 accountable to these plans will their full impact
                                                          She says, “Whilst we celebrate all the good strides   truly be felt,” she said.
          Consequently, the forward momentum of the
          Durban ICC has been propelled by Lindiwe’s strong   we have made in business, we must be mindful that  Serve a higher purpose
          background in corporate management as well as   there is still a lot more that needs to be done. The   Lindiwe  is  a  self-confessed  perpetual  learner  who
          her passion and dedication in growing the KwaZulu-  most important thing in remaining Africa’s leading   places  a  high  value  on  education  and  imparting
          Natal economy. Lindiwe said, “I am driven to achieve   conference centre is that we exceed our clients’   knowledge in order to uplift the lives of others. “We
          excellence in every way in my duty and delegation.”  expectations and provide an exceptional experience   are born with different skills-sets and have been put on
                                                          for each and every event we host. We need to make   earth to serve a higher purpose in life. The extent to
          Since its foundation, the Durban ICC has made an  sure that when we open the doors to our customers
                                                                                                           which your unique skills are used to uplift others is the
          immense contribution to both the provincial and  that they experience the warmth and the great
                                                                                                           extent to which your fulfilment will be found,” she said.
          national economies. During the past financial year,  service that we have at the Durban ICC.”
          R6.3-billion was added to South Africa’s GDP and no   Empowering others to achieve their highest   “Treat others the way you would like to be treated. As
          less than 14 000 jobs were created and sustained as   performance by instilling confidence in all of   a champion of equality, I have a vision for a world in
          a result of the Durban ICC’s activities.                                                         which all human beings are comfortable with cultural
                                                          her team is an important part of Lindiwe’s daily   diversity and where uncompromising respect exists
          A Concerted Effort                              activities. “I believe I have an ability to bring the   for one another. It all starts with teachings at home.”
          Lindiwe said, “I believe our continued success is a   best out  of people,  enabling them to perform at   The mother of four and grandmother of two, says
          result of a concerted effort between the Board, our   their optimum. My staff tells me that I lead with   nothing supersedes the value of being a mother
          staff, our strategic partners in the City and Province   love  and  respect,  which  motivates  them  to  give   and the importance of belonging to a family.
          and the loyal support of our clients. This effort   their best effort and this ultimately benefits the   Lindiwe places a premium on the importance of
          coupled with our balanced strategy and diligent   organisation,” said Lindiwe.                   work-life balance.
          management at all levels of the organisation all  A woman influences everything she touches
          help to contribute to the overall success of the   As a staunch advocate of gender-equality and   Lindiwe said in the quest for success, it was
          Durban ICC.”                                                                                     important to respect yourself and have your feet
                                                          women empowerment, Lindiwe has made a personal   firmly on the ground. “Humility is an important
          Lindiwe strongly believes that the Durban ICC has  and  professional  pledge  to  making  a  difference   quality. Believe in yourself and love what you do. Be
          an important role to play in promoting sustainable  in the lives of those less fortunate. Her passion for   open to learning and make the best of opportunities
          economic growth for eThekwini,  especially  in the  women’s empowerment issues has resulted in her
                                                                                                           that are available.”

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