Page 89 - KZN Top Business Women 2019 eBook
P. 89

We are taught to train our bodies and value our intellect,

                                     but we need to learn to regulate our emotions.

                                                          her father, advising rural farmers, helping them  in her approach to business, Lucrisha doesn’t
          Owner and director,
          of AfriCrafters                                 develop their crops and improve yields.          believe it has held her back. “If anything, my respect
                                                          Once she’d completed her studies, she travelled   for cultural differences has allowed me to create
                 s owner and director of AfriCrafters,  abroad, landing an exciting position at a media    stronger, better business relationships.”
                 Lucrisha Polton says her days are as varied  company in Scotland.  But South Africa was always  Despite this, she feels strongly that women should
         Aas fingerprints. “I do what whatever it takes  home,  and eventually  Lucrisha  returned  and  not shy away or hide their abilities when dealing
          to get the job done.” Drawing on skills from finance  started her first entrepreneurial venture, a bistro in  with men. “It’s your expertise in your industry, and
          to design, and from sourcing materials to tracking  Cape Town. A second restaurant followed shortly,  your confidence that will set you apart, not just as
          down exceptional rural crafters, Lucrisha is a true   but two years later she sold them, moved back   a businesswoman but as a businessperson. And we
          all-rounder.                                    to KwaZulu-Natal, and took time out to be a wife  are the nurturers, building a base on which future
                                                          and mum.                                         generations of women will succeed. We should
          Exposed to business from an early age, Lucrisha                                                  never lose sight of this, and the way we can inspire
          travelled around South Africa with her family, as   Bringing Africa to the world                 other women.”
          her father’s work took him to small towns and rural  She soon realised that it was time to follow her
          villages across the country. “He always believed the  passion for humanitarian causes and in 2017 she   Taking Africa to the world
          best education comes from personal experiences,  founded AfriCrafters. “The seed for this had been  Lucrisha is deeply grateful for her accomplishments.
          and the travelling gave me a sense of freedom.”  planted in my childhood. We link artists with the  “It is my mission to take Africa to the world, and I’ve
                                                          global supply chain, giving our artists a foot in the  achieved far more than I ever thought possible
          Having seen the impact of apartheid on black
          South Africans for herself, she was acutely aware of   international  market,  and  creating  a  sustainable  in such a short time. I planted a seed and let the
          the hardships they faced on a daily basis. She was   living for them. Artists are so often exploited but I  universe water it and nourish it. There’s still a lot to
          also deeply inspired by the spirit, warmth and the   believe they should earn an income equal to their  do, and I’ll continue to live my mission and vision,
                                                                                                           and I’m confident we’ll progress steadily, one goal
                                                          talent and creativity.”
          talent of people she met on her trips.  “Images of                                               at a time.”
          artists selling their work on the side of the road   “Every  step  I’ve  taken  has  led  me  to  where  I  am
          stayed with me for most of my life, and I hoped that   today,” she says. Crediting her grandmother and  Believing in work-life harmony rather than work-
          one day I’d be able to play a role in showing them   parents for instilling in her a sense of confidence  life balance, Lucrisha explains that there is always
          off to the world.”                              and tenacity, Lucrisha points out that AfriCrafters is  an ebb and flow to obligations to family, business,
                                                          driven by her love for people and watching them  friends and community.  “And to myself.” she adds.
          Even at school, Lucrisha realised she wanted to help   develop. “I see inspiration everywhere, in people,  “I set aside time for my family and friends just as I
          people. “My desire to empower people grew, and   animals, nature, my children and life itself. I love  do for business, and I make sure I have me-time to
          today I still look for opportunities to assist people,   telling stories and couldn’t think of a better way  do the things I love too.  After all, one must nourish
          and serve with no expectations. My motto is Pass   than to do it than through arts and crafts. Each  to flourish. Time-management is key to getting it
          the favour on and this approach has created the   artwork is unique and made from recycled material,  right, and you have to know your limits.”
          most incredible ripple effect.”                 and each piece tells a story.”
                                                                                                           Asked  what  advice  she’d  give  her  younger  self,
          After  school,  Lucrisha’s  journey  took  her  through  “Culture is a big factor in my industry,” she says.  Lucrisha points out that we are taught to train our
          various jobs and business ventures. She joined  “My crafters come from a diversity of communities  bodies and value our intellect, but we need to
          her  family’s  business  supplying  fresh  cut  potato  and I need to understand that a woman is treated  learn to regulate our emotions and deal with our
          fries and vegetables to fast food chains including  differently in some cultures. I have to be mindful  sensitivities and sensibilities. “Trust your intuition,
          Nando’s and Spur.  “I was a buyer, sales person and  of this, particularly when dealing with men of a  dream big, and create your reality. Choose love.
          quality control,” she laughs.  She also travelled with  patriarchal culture.” While this is a significant factor  Choose inner peace. Choose joy. Choose you!”

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