Page 43 - WoodholmePortfolioMichaelHarger
P. 43

2018 Season
                                                Manchester Country Club
                                                Capital request Document
                                                                                             Req #:  6 of 13
                                                                                            Date:   12/11/17

                  Item or Project Name         Surveillance System Upgrade

                  Item or Project Description  Michael Harger & Catamount Security
                  (Briefly outline what will
                  be done and who will work
                  on it.)

                  Related Project(s)

                  Expense Type (circle one)               Update                    New Capability
                  Priority (circle one)            Mandatory          Necessary            Desirable
                  Sponsor / Committee          Clubhouse

                  Co-Sponsor / Committee       Golf

                  Primary Area                    Golf       Tennis    Restaurant  Pro Shop      Business
                  Cost                         $3,500 with initial deposit required
                  Monetary Impact              Security- As of now we do not have a reliable system in place. If we ever
                  (Briefly explain how and     needed to use our video for evidence, there is little chance it would be
                  how much this will add to
                  MCC revenue or profit,       Efficiency- Our pro-staff would be able to use the camera to monitor the
                  and the effect on cash       bag drop from the golf shop and service area making it possible to be
                  flow.)                       more efficient with outside service staff /starters. Savings could be over
                                               $2k/year in labor.

                                                Monitoring Play- We would better be able to monitor who is going on to
                                               the golf course for better record keeping. In addition we could better
                                               monitor possible revenue leaks whether it be someone with a guest they
                                               did not check in or someone taking a cart. This could result in an
                                               additional $1,000/year of additional revenue collection.

                  Payback Period               It is estimated that deciding to upgrade our surveillance
                  (How long in months will     system would pay for itself within a year simply with greater
                  it take to generate profit or   staff efficiency and better monitoring of who is headed to the
                  save expenses greater than   golf course.
                  the expense of this project,
                  and why?)                    On top of the immediate financial benefits, in case of
                                               incident around the clubhouse, we now would have proper
                                               equipment to document the issue.
                  Expense Quarter                Dec 2017        Apr - Jun       Jul – Sep     Oct - Dec
   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48