Page 42 - WoodholmePortfolioMichaelHarger
P. 42
Manchester Country Club
Guidelines for Preparation of the Budget
Budgeting time is upon us. This year, we are making an effort to create a more
streamlined process that should reduce the amount of time required of
each manager to generate their respective budget but also lead to more accurate projections
club-wide. Each manager will submit their respective area of supervision independently
before initial meetings with the General Manager. In the attached document, you will find
a separate Excel spreadsheet for each department:
• Adam Annunziata- Restaurant Operations – Dept. 15
• Michael Harger- Golf Operations – Depts. 11, 25, 30, 40 and some 50
• Sean Monahan- Buildings, Grounds and Greens Operations – Depts. 20, 40, 55
• Ron Rusche- Membership – Depts. 10, 50
• Nicole Krayer- Administrative Operations – Dept. 45, 60
Each spreadsheet contains sections for categories of income and expenses, as appropriate.
There are three key areas in each section: one shows current year budgeted amounts
followed by YTD actuals. The blank column should be filled in with forecasted amounts
based on your managerial knowledge. In the case of Membership, there is a similar
configuration for a dues budget.
In order to keep expenses as low as possible, we ask that you justify in writing, any
expense request that is more than the previous year's corresponding expense.
Similarly, on the revenue side, we ask that you justify, in writing, any revenue that
you project to be lower this season. IN ALL CASES, PLEASE USE YOUR
We will need justification, in writing (see attached form), for any capital
expenditures for new equipment, improvements, etc. that fall outside the normal
expenses for operations. These justifications should include payback periods, and
alternatives that have been considered and why they were ruled out. There is a form
as was used last year for this purpose. Please use a separate page for each separate
capital request.
It may require the collaboration of more than one manager or committee to generate these
figures. Please be sure to arrive at a fully vetted amount for each account code, and where
necessary, obtain the appropriate coordination with other areas that may be part of an
expense or revenue line item. This will help you defend against any possible challenge to
approval of your request. Finally, please allocate revenue and expense items to the month
you project them to be booked right on the spreadsheet. This will aid us in producing
more meaningful comparisons of actual v. budget on income statements going forward.
Thank you in advance for your attention and detail in this process!