Page 9 - Training Manual Port City Realty Updated
P. 9

  FSBO’s have already expressed a wish to sell their property. EXPIREDS have already tried to sale their property. We are a service industry. Always offer to help.
  On the phone:
 Be helpful, courteous, and happy. Studies say that if you are actually smiling you’ll increase your chances of success. Some professionals have found that looking into a mirror while calling makes them feel more comfortable. Others keep a sign with an affirmation or a thought for the day where they can see it and it reminds them to stay focused.
  Your goal is to schedule an appointment, rather than trying to take a listing over the phone. Take your time talking and try to ask as many questions as you feel comfortable with and maybe one or two more. Get the person you’ve called enrolled into talking with you, sharing information about herself or himself, the area, the neighbors, or anyone he or she even thinks might be selling or buying a home in the near future.
Ask for an appointment or referral. You must actually ask them to help you because some of them might be unsure of what you want.
On the Phone, In Person, In Print – you need to have a plan. Here are a few
examples of things you can say or do. Personalize. Make it your own. These
are just examples:
FSBO program
We have a new FSBO assistant program at Port City Realty. We acknowledge some consumers are willing and more than capable to perform various parts of the transaction on their own and some consumers naturally want to exercise more control over what transpires while working in partnership with a Brokerage Company.
If you are willing to provide your own pictures, write your own ad, hold your own open house, etc., and save some of your equity dollar doing so, this program may be good for you.
For a $350 listing up front listing fee your property will be posted on the MLS so it is available for local Realtors to show.
Your commission, when there is an accepted contract, is 3.5%. We will assist you with the contract negotiation and closing details and offer 2.25% in the MLS to the selling broker.
We would like for you to know that we are here for you, to help as much or as little as you need us to. I am enclosing a brochure that explains some of your options. If you would like for us to list your property on the MLS and do full marketing that option is available also.

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