Page 11 - Recipes Collections by Med 16
P. 11
Skinny Egg Muffins
Prep Time Cook Time Total Time Calories Servings
5 min 25 min 30 min 55 9
Ingredients Instructions
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray 9 muffin tins with cooking spray.
2 Large eggs
2. Spray a medium saute pan with cooking spray, and saute onions and peppers
8 Large egg whites (or 1 cup egg whites)
until just tender, about 2-4 minutes. Set aside and let cool.
1 Medium bell pepper (color of choice), diced [1]
3. In a medium bowl, mix together eggs, cheese, salt and pepper and bell
1 Small sweet onion, diced [1] peppers/onions.
1 Τ Cup Low fat shredded cheese of choice [2] 4. Divide egg mixture evenly between 9 muffin tins, and top each egg muffin
with a tomato slice.
1 Τ tsp Salt (or to taste)
5. Bake 25-30 minutes, or until the eggs are set and cooked through, (no longer
1 Τ tsp Pepper (or to taste) runny). Let cool slightly and remove muffins. Enjoy immediately, or store in
the fridge for up to 7 days!
2 Large roma tomatoes, sliced
[1] Or any vegetable of choice, diced
[2] Or 1/2 cup bacon, or turkey meat, cooked and diced