Page 2 - Newsletter 2018-19 Issue 2 March 2019.cdr
P. 2
Dear District Governor Dear District Governor Lion Divyesh Shah,
Lion Divyesh Shah, I am extremely happy to know that District
It is said that ‘Aim for Service and Success will Bulletin for the period December 2018 to March
follow’. Our District Governor Lion Divyesh 2019 is being published.
Shah’s dynamic Leadership has translated I hope that this issue will have all the
vision into reality. information of the District 3231-A1 for lion
Today, we have great pleasure to honor him and members.
his family in his capacity as our District I compliment Principal District PRO Lion Havovi
Governor and heartily congratulate him and his team of dedicated Gandhi who has taken this responsibility of publication of District
MICRO and Cabinet Members for bringing laurels to the District. Bulletin.
On the occasion of releasing the 2nd issue of the District Governor’s I wish you all the best.
Newsletter, I heartily congratulate Principal Cabinet PRO Lion Havovi RAJ KUMAR GUPTA
Gandhi for her efforts, as the projects and activities done by our clubs in 2nd Vice District Governor
the District will bring to the fore smooth functioning of the District
Administration. I am sure, the Newsletter will be of interesting reading to
Let us all Serve With Pride.
Best wishes.
1st Vice District Governor
Media Coverage
PRINT MEDIA COVERAGE FROM 1 JULY TILL DATE (Gujarati, Marathi, Hindi, English, Malayalam) 176 news papers
Congratulations to
Lion Asit Pandya, Co-ordinator Media Publicity & Lions Image Building And Janmabhoomi for Media Coverage in different Newspapers.