Page 3 - Newsletter 2018-19 Issue 2 March 2019.cdr
P. 3


       Opening Membership on 1  July 2018       1098 (includes 727 Female Members)
       Members added 30  June 2018              167   (CM 126 + NM 32 + Reinstate M3 + TM 6) (Incl.69 Female Members – 47% Increase)
       Members dropped                          143
       Closing Balance (Incl.796 Female Members)     1932
       Net Growth Till date                     24
       Net Growth of 1.26% Average member/club 34 (Worldwide 58%  Female New Members – 28,000 women added since July 2018).
       21 Clubs (37%) with less than 20 members
       59 members lost due to cancelled clubs (25%) due to non payment.

                    CLUBS FOR 2018-19                                   MJF & PMJF FOR THE YEAR 2018-19
        Opening Balance               55
                                                       MJF & PMJF              Target 25   Achieved 25   Rs. 15,95,021.20
        Newly Chartered               06                                                                     (US $ 25,000)
        Cancelled Clubs               04               LCIF Contributory Members   Target 200   Achieved 235   Rs. 4,31,392.00
        Forjett Hill, Malabar Hill,
        Marine Drive, Kalaghoda                        TOTAL PAYMENT TO LCIF                            Rs. 20,26,413.00

        Active                        57

                                                  SUMMARY OF SERVICE PROJECTS
                                         Period               No. of Projects  Amount
                                         1.7.2018 to 26.9.2018    238      75,00,000/-
                                         27.9.2018 to 8.10.2018   288      1,30,14,300/-
                                         After 8.10.2018 Till Date   508    3,64,46,700/-
                                         TOTAL                    1034     5,69,61,000/-

                                          CLUB QUALITY INITIATIVE PROGRAM

                                     CQI Program was held at the following Clubs

         1 East Bombay                   8 Mahanagar                  15 Babulnath                    22 Dhobitalao
         2 Byculla                       9 Prabhadevi                 16 Bombay Central               23 Dadar
         3 Panchratna                  10 Sion                        17 Ballard Estate               24 Pydhonie
         4 Adarsh Family               11 Shivaji Park                18 Nana Chowk                   25 Galaxy
         5 Chunabhatti                 12 Walkeshwar                  19 Nana Chowk West              26 Cuffe Parade
         6 City Centre                 13 South Hill                  20 Uptown Stars                 27 Queensway

         7 Mandvi East                 14 Millenials                  21 Garden View                  28 Gateway
       29 Girgaum

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