Page 45 - Guide Patrimoine - Terre de Provence
P. 45

chantier est entrepris. Des petits wagonnets sur rails sont amenés de St-Martin-de-Crau à l’aide de char- rettes. Le gravier qu’ils extraient sert à confectionner le mortier pour monter les murs et petit à petit les arènes commencent à prendre forme. En 1908, les travaux se terminent et les taureaux peuvent venir fouler la piste toute neuve. Désormais plus que cen- tenaires, les arènes Albert Laty sont un des lieux les plus « festifs » de Plan d’Orgon. Elles témoignent de la passion des provençaux pour des traditions parmi lesquelles « la fé di biou », la passion des taureaux.
45 rue des Arènes
Il est impossible d’évoquer l’histoire de Plan d’Orgon sans s’arrêter devant les grilles du château St Estève. « Le plan de St Estève » était d’ailleurs le nom d’une partie de la zone qui allait devenir « Le plan d’Or- gon ». Ce rendez-vous de chasse construit au PLACE DU MONUMENT AUX MORTS XVIIe siècle allait devenir au XVIIIe siècle un château, lieu de rencontre de très nombreuses célébrités. Originaires de Tavel (Gard), les Parrocel vinrent s’installer au château St Estève vers le début du XVIIIe siècle. Aujourd’hui ce château est un domaine privé.
1508 route de Saint-Estève
Bibliothèque - Archive - Médiathèque
+33 (0)4 90 73 25 61 | Le mardi 14h à 17h30 ; Le mercredi 9h à 12h
et 14h à 18h ; Le jeudi 14h à 17h30 ;
Le samedi 9h à 12h
Jardin réalisé sur l’ancien site de la gare, dont les al- lées de promenade suivent le tracé des rails conser- vés. Un jardin botanique où se trouvent différentes espèces à découvrir. S’y trouvent un skate parc et un boulodrome.
152 route de Cavaillon
A chapel was built in 1844, and its enlargement was decided in 1878 to become the «St Louis» church, with a baroque-style pediment that gave rise to the church district. On April 9, 1855, the cross on the church square was inaugurated. Inside the church, you can admire a painting by Reynaud Levieux, a Provençal painter born in 1613 in Nîmes and died in Rome in 1699. He created numerous religious paintings, including this one discovered in the
attic of the St. Louis church presbytery. After examination, the canvas was restored by
Mr. De Grasset. Also known as «The Crowning with Thorns,» this painting is dated 1650 and would belong to a series of four paintings on the theme of the Passion.
The  rst Provençal building
in the village, it appears on the land registry as early as 1830. Three dates recall its history: 1670 on the basket-handle arch; 1770 on the lintel of the entrance door; and 1869 on one of the windows of the  rst  oor. The municipality bought the building in 2008 and decided
to restore it. A «compagnon
du devoir» participated in its renovation for all stone-cutting work. Inside, a «tapie» wall has been preserved. In the past, buildings were constructed using «tapies», which means compacted raw earth. «This rehabilitation of the Mas was awarded the
«Les rubans du patrimoine» prize in 2017.» Today, the
Mas is a building used
for exhibitions, concerts,
and of cial wedding celebrations.
In 1906, Albert Laty and his father Joseph, both passionate about bull ghting, decided
to build an arena. This was
a signi cant undertaking for the time given the resources they had. The work began with the help of several workers armed with picks, shovels,
and wheelbarrows. Small wagons on rails were brought from St-Martin-de-Crau using carts. The gravel they extracted was used to make the mortar to build the walls, and little
by little the arena began to take shape. In 1908, the work was completed, and the bulls could come and tread on the brand-new arena. Now more than a hundred years old, the Albert Laty arena is one of the most festive places in Plan d’Orgon. It bears witness to
the Provençals’ passion for traditions, including «la fé di biou,» the passion for bulls.
It is impossible to mention the history of Plan d’Orgon without stopping at the gates of the Château St Estève. «Le plan de St Estève» was in fact the name of a part of the area that would become «Le plan d’Orgon». This hunting lodge, built in the XVIIth century, would become in the XVIIIth century a castle,
a meeting place for many celebrities. The Parrocel family, originally from Tavel (Gard), settled in the Château St Estève at the beginning of the XVIIIth century. Today, the castle is a private property.
It is a garden created on the former site of the train station, with walking paths following the layout of the preserved rails. It features a botanical garden with different species to discover, as well as a skate park and a boules court.

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