Page 13 - LDBD Community Mailer Magazine - Vol. 1, Issue 1 - Oct Nov Dec 2018
P. 13

LIVING Day By Day Magazine is a quarterly digital and
         printed publication that has gained recognition worldwide.

         LINK-UP and PROMOTE your business in the LIVING Day
         By Day Magazine and on the LIVING Day By Day Web-
         site with our readers, businesses and other media outlets.
         Our readers should be exposed to your business! Your
         business links will be live in our eMags. To see the adver-
         tising rates, go to and click the
         Advertise link.

         If you would like advertise your business(es) in the LIVING
         Day By Day Magazine or on the LIVING Day By Day
         Website, please submit all Ads, Articles and Business
         Cards in .doc, .docx, .png, .jpg & .pdf file types. Email
         your submissions to

             If you need your Ad designed, a publication design
                service is available for a fee.
             Email requests for design costs should be sent to
             Discounts available for 501(c)(3) businesses.
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