Page 14 - LDBD Community Mailer Magazine - Vol. 1, Issue 1 - Oct Nov Dec 2018
P. 14
a Community Mailer
Please submit Full Page ads in portrait Please submit Half Page ads
(8.5” X 11”) size in .PDF or .JPG formats. (5.5" x 8.5") size in .PDF or .
JPG formats.
The cost to display your full page ads in the
“prime real estate” areas of the LIVING Day The cost to display your half page
By Day Magazine is ~ ads in the LIVING Day By Day
$1,000.00 Front Cover Magazine is ~
$ 600.00 Back Cover $200.00 B2B MarketPlace
$ 500.00 Inside Front/Back Covers
$ 400.00 Section Ads *
Please submit Quarter Page ads (4.25” x Please submit all Business Cards
5.5”) size in .PDF or .JPG formats. (2.0” x 3.5”) size in .PDF or .JPG
The cost to display your quarter page ads in
the LIVING Day By Day Magazine is ~ The cost to display your Business
Cards in the LIVING Day By Day
$150.00 B2B MarketPlace Magazine is ~
$125.00 B2B MarketPlace
Please email (“8.5 x 11”) size — “1-page articles” in a separate Word document or .PDF formats;
attach them to an email and send to:
When submitting articles please include a photo and your contact information. Contact information
should include your name, email address, phone number, website and any social media references.
The cost to appear in the “highly visible” featured sections of the LIVING Day By Day Magazine
is ~
$475.00 LDBD Features; Medical & Spiritual; Spotlights; Author’s Corner;
Comedy; Real Estate; Music; Fashion; Kidz ; Corner and Upcoming
Please Note ~ LIVING Day By Day’s quarterly magazine submission cutoff dates are: November 30th, February 28th,
May 31st & August 31st. Any articles or ads submitted after the above-mentioned dates will appear next quarter.
∗ Any content received will not be altered unless advertiser indicates that edits need to be made. Cost to edit content is
∗ Please scan your business cards properly (straight). Any non-straight or poorly visible ads and business cards will not be
displayed in the magazine.
∗ Payments for submissions will be accepted via PayPal.
∗ Rates are discounted. Prices subject to return to original prices at the discretion of Elder Lakeba Wallace, Editor in Chief.
Elder Lakeba Wallace
LIVING Day By Day Magazine | 404.390.8557 |
14 | Oct Nov Dec 2018 LIVING Day By Day •Net